The Muslim who learned the alliance of the Islamists and the radical left

The Democratic Party convention, held last month in Chicago, Illinois, brought Asra Nomani to the streets. She no longer needed a closer look to understand how dangerous the connection between extreme Islam and the radical leftist organizations that joined it, and even more so since October 7th. This time she wanted to bring the votes to the public.

Nomani reported from there directly to the “Jewish Journal”: about the burning of the American and Israeli flags in Soviet tactics and the media’s biased coverage, about the anti-Israel network and the persecution of its supporters. “I researched more than 200 organizations that came together to create the march against Israel at the DNC,” she says, showing signs that were hoisted there and included an incredible mix of groups and slogans of radical Islam and the extreme left and Marxist. “Of the thousand or more organizations that have deeply penetrated the campuses, a significant number are from those socialist, communist, Marxist, Leninist organizations, as defined. Therefore, this is not only a war against the Jews and Israel, but a war against the West. War on democracy”.

Asra Nomani

personal: Born in 1965 in India, a single mother
professional: Founder of the “Pearl Project” documenting the global network directed against Israel, Jews, America, the West and democracy. Author of the book “Woke Army: The Green-Red Alliance That Destroys America’s Freedom”
one more thing: She is a licensed private investigator

In February 2023, you wrote a book that seems a bit prophetic: “Woke Army: The Green-Red Alliance That Destroys America’s Freedom”. This is a great headline because right after October 7th we saw this alliance in action.
“On the one hand, it’s nice to be prophetic, and on the other hand, I hate being in that position, because when you detail to the world the threat it faces, you don’t want it to come true. The book was published in February 2023. In the last two decades, since the tragic murder of my friend Daniel Pearl, I’ve been in the trenches of this world and in an attempt to investigate this network, which not only wants to destroy Israel, but the Jewish people, America, the West and democracy as we know it.

“And why do I care? Because I was born in India and grew up in West Virginia. I grew up in a conservative Muslim family, but my parents were thinking people, who didn’t follow the herd. Although I wasn’t allowed to wear a skirt because it would expose my legs, I didn’t apply nail polish and many more restrictions , but my parents allowed me to run and do sports and to know my power as a woman. And it brought up a feminist spirit in me, which is not compatible with the spirit of radical Islam. These issues became very personal for me in 2002, when my friend Daniel left the house I rented in Pakistan, and I never came back. From that moment on, investigating this network became my life’s mission.”

The cover of Nomani’s latest book

“I waved goodbye to Daniel and never saw him again”

Can you describe to us what happened to Daniel Pearl through your eyes?
“When October 7th happened, it all came crashing back to me. Everything changed but nothing changed. On January 23, 2002, Danny left the house I was renting in Karachi, from where we both reported for the Wall Street Journal after the 9/11 attacks, about The militant groups that spread into Afghanistan. Danny came to visit me because he instructed the terrorist who was caught with explosives in his shoes, after which all Americans have to take off their shoes at airports. She was pregnant and they They already chose the name Adam. I waved goodbye to Danny that day and he was kidnapped by Muslim militants in Pakistan a few days later.”

At this point Nomani’s life began to take a turn. “I became pregnant by my partner and left Pakistan, because according to Islamic law being single and pregnant is a crime with severe penalties. I returned to West Virginia and my parents embraced me. My father built a room for me and my son, and I named the baby Shibli, which is a village Bedouin is not far from Haifa, and the meaning of the word is ‘my lion’s cub’; and also the Arabic name of Daniel as his middle name. And like Daniel in the lion’s den, we all face a dilemma – whether to trust our faith and our moral compass.”

Nomani did not plan to become a feminist activist in the front of Islam, but saw before her eyes mirrors that she could not ignore. “It started when I went to our local mosque and the man at the entrance yelled at me, sister, go to the back door. He expressed a fundamentalist, conservative view that women should be separate from men. And from there I was born as an activist by accident. I started writing about how we should reclaim the feminist spirit in Islam. And I confronted The whole network of Islam and the progressives. It’s unbelievable to me that in the 21st century, people claimed that women’s testimony is equal to a man’s testimony, or that girls deserve less inheritance than boys. I encountered endless struggles with the organizations that are now demonstrating against Israel.”

“I detected a huge network against the entire West”

Everything she saw she collected and compiled into this book. According to her, “For the cover of the book, I chose an image of the red hammer and sickle of communism next to the star and crescent of Islam, because you discovered that there is a connection between these ideologies. The first person in the line of characters I wrote about is Hatem Bezian, who people know now. He was the architect of ‘Students for Justice’ In Palestine’ and he created ‘American Muslims for Palestine.’ First hand this massive network which is indeed against Israel and the Jewish people, but also against the USA and the entire West.”

When you say the red-green alliance, the premise is that there is an alliance between the extreme left and radical Islam. How would you characterize the Muslims who are part of this alliance?
“In many cases they are only ‘Islamists’, because they have become a kind of mainstream Muslim organizations, according to the book. Unfortunately, they pull the public towards positions that support entities like Hamas or the Muslim Brotherhood.”

And the WOKE organizations enter the picture of radical Islam. According to her, “the Wackist ideology sees the world in the paradigm of oppressor versus oppressed, so if Israel is the oppressor, Hamas must be the oppressed, and therefore there will be organizations like ‘Queers for Palestine’, an extreme example but accepted when you take this logic to its logical end. If the queers are oppressed and Hamas Oppressed, then they will come together for a common struggle. But have you found places where there were struggles between the groups? The Islamist organizations do not like the queers.

Nomani admits that she was not aware of this matter. “I first recognized the new phenomenon of intersectionalism, which began to appear as a cliché in the progressive left around 2016 – when opposition to the victory of Donald Trump arose. An example that illustrates the point well is the Palestinian-American activist Linda Sarsour, who is notorious in our Muslim community as a supporter of Islamist groups. And here in 2016, Sarsour joins the anti-Trump line and speaks at the Women’s March against the administration. And what are her arguments? The racial connection – we are brown, women and Muslims – and we are all oppressed. And who is not already included in the guest list? Jewish women’s organizations. There I began to understand that there really is an ideological alliance between the groups. Yes, it will probably explode at some point, but until then, the goal is shared.”

What is meant by Islamist?
“An Islamist is someone who believes in political Islam. So Islam is in the law, in the government, in everything. Why do I, as a Muslim, oppose it? Because these laws are what drove me out of Pakistan. Because they say my baby is illegal and is a testimony and evidence of my crime, that I had sex outside For marriage. Anyone with common sense should oppose these ideas, because they will end up hurting him as a human being.”

“They changed the narrative, and success became a crime”

How do you perceive your disagreements with the Islamists in relation to what is currently happening in the Middle East?
“As a feminist, I believe that the State of Israel will accommodate me on its streets, even if I am not dressed according to the laws of Halacha. As a Muslim, I recognize the existence of Israel as a legitimate state. I want peace in the Middle East. I do not like what Qatar is doing in the world, and I do not like what Saudi Arabia is doing in the world , but I recognize their existence. And Israel is the only liberal front in this region.”

Okay, that’s the Islam angle. How does this manifest itself on the other side, of the leftist organizations?
“In 2020, George Floyd was murdered, and suddenly I learned that the principal of the high school where my son attends is telling the children, who happened to be mainly from Asian families at this school, that they should check their privileges. The argument was that because it is a school for the gifted and there is an overrepresentation of Asians and low representation of blacks, the Asians discriminate against the blacks. This is exactly what happened to the Jews and the Israelis. They changed the narrative: your success as an individual, your success as a nation – now becomes your crime.”

“Suddenly we became the oppressors,” she shares. “And I have every measure of the oppression matrix: I’m a single mother struggling to get by in dear Northern Virginia, an immigrant, English is my second language. My family is Muslim, my brother has a disability, and my parents actually survived white supremacy as children in British colonial India. But it’s not Really, we’re the oppressors. That’s when I rewrote my book. A friend at Harvard Law School said, to understand what’s going on, just study three words—Critical Race Theory. This theory has hijacked our liberal world Our progressive world, our schools. It now puts people in the oppressed and oppressed class. And this is an expression and interpretation of classical Marxism.”

Basically, this worldview finds something positive in a person or group being victims. It gives them credit in the eyes of the society around them.
“If I had raised my son with this psychology, he would have been a very unstable person in his adulthood. He would not have had a strong sense of self-worth. These organizations stimulate this feeling of being a collector of wounds. This is reflected in the propaganda of Hamas, which addresses this misery directly, and tries To explain how poor he is, and therefore right.”

“80% of Muslims just ignore”

Nomani points out another threat that is important to her to flood. “The last element I want to introduce to people is the idea of ​​foreign influence. Because in these organizations, direct support from overseas governments, aligned interests, such as support for the socialist organizations in the Philippines, Cuba, Africa is evident. Then you also see hostile foreign influence. It is a term that the intelligence and law enforcement agencies It is used in the US to describe interference in elections by governments, such as Russia, China or Iran. And this hostile foreign influence is trying to destroy both the State of Israel and the rest of the West.”

If you had to estimate, what percentage of Muslims in the US hold Islamist positions?
“I think that Islamists or their supporters are probably around 10%, and then there is about 10% of which I am a part, who come out loudly against the Islamists. The problem is that in the middle there is the 80% who are simply ignored.”

why? are they afraid
“Yes. When I started to speak out, my family was persecuted, they came after me. I received death threats. They try to shame, intimidate, do everything that Israelis and Jews feel now. They called me Islamophobic – character assassination is a tactic of their war. I can name about 20 Muslims In the US and Canada they are open in their fight against extremists. this is”.

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