The media and telecommunications summit is coming to Asunción

On September 23, Asunción will be the epicenter of one of the most important conferences in the telecommunications and digital law sector in Latin America: Assumption Convergent 2024, organized by the Center for Studies on the Development of Telecommunications and Access to the Information Society in Latin America (CERTAL), in collaboration with the National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL) and the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF).

This event takes place in a key context where telecommunications and digitalisation are rapidly transforming social and economic dynamics, posing new challenges in terms of regulation, security and content protection.

Asuncion Convergent 2024 is presented as a strategic platform for the exchange of ideas and the construction of solutions joint efforts between public and private sector actors.

It will be a day of multiple conferences and networking. During the day, attendees will be able to participate in a variety of sessions covering topics such as cybersecurity, digital privacy, the fight against piracy, and regulatory challenges in the new digital ecosystem.

Law in the digital age

The conference will open with an inaugural session at 8:30 a.m., with the participation of leading figures from the political and telecommunications fields.

Keynote speakers include:

• Rubén Ramírez, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Paraguay.

• Rodrigo Nicora, Minister of Justice of Paraguay.

• Javier Dejesús Esquivel, Defender General of the Ministry of Public Defense.

• Juan Carlos Duarte, President of the National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL).

• Pablo Sandino Martínez, Ambassador of the Organization of American States (OAS).

• Jorge Srur, Southern Regional Manager of the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF).

• Pablo Scotellaro, Executive President of the CERTAL Studies Center.

• María Soto, President of ISOS Media Group.

This first session will be moderated by José Reinoso, Vice President of the CERTAL Studies Center, who will introduce the key topics that will define the event.

Among the highlights of the event, the panel entitled “Challenges of Law in the Digital Age”, The panel, which will take place at 11:30 a.m., will address how legislation must adapt to the speed of technological change, touching on topics such as cybersecurity, privacy and the fight against digital piracy.

This panel will feature the participation of judicial and fiscal experts from several countries:

• Ángel Daniel Cohene, President of the Association of Judicial Magistrates of Paraguay.

• Augusto Salas Coronel, President of the Association of Tax Agents of Paraguay.

• María Celeste Jara, President of the Association of Judicial Magistrates of Paraguay.

• Delio Vera Navarro, President of the Association of Judges of Paraguay.

• María Helena Mainard, President of the Association of Magistrates of Uruguay.

• Frederico Mendes Júnior, President of the Association of Brazilian Magistrates.

• Andrés Fabián Basso, President of the Association of Magistrates and Officials of the Argentine National Justice.

• Susana Granado, President of the Association of Justices of the Peace of Paraguay.

The panel will be moderated by Marcelo Gallo Tagle, President of the Latin American Federation of Magistrates (FLAM).

Another of the critical issues that will be addressed during the day is the “Regulatory Challenges in the New Digital Ecosystem”where executives from the telecommunications sector will discuss the need to update public policies to keep pace with technological innovation.

This panel, scheduled for 3:15 p.m., will feature the participation of:

• Federico Fornelli, Regulatory Relations Manager at Telecom Argentina.

• Alejandro Quiroga, Director of Regulatory and Institutional Affairs at Claro for Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.

• Aldo Natalizia, Director of Corporate Affairs at Tigo Paraguay.

• Mauricio Muñoz, President of the National Television Council of Chile (CNTV).

Moderation will be in charge of Juan Carlos Duarte, President of CONATEL, who will guide the conversation towards the future of regulation in an increasingly complex digital world.

A key event for the digital future of Latin America Asunción Convergente 2024 seeks not only to generate a space for reflection on the changes that the sector is going through, but also Consolidate strategic alliances between regional actors that enable an inclusive and sustainable digital transformation in Latin America.

At a time when technological convergence redefines the boundaries of communication This event is positioned as an essential space for those seeking to be at the forefront of debates on regulation and digital law.

The Center for Studies for the Development of Telecommunications and Access to the Information Society in Latin America – CERTAL, was created in 2009 as a multidisciplinary meeting space focusing on the economic, technical, academic, legal and political aspects of a telecommunications industry that In recent years it has experienced explosive growth, the result of technological innovations the large investments made by companies and the increase in demand for communication.

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