This is how the Romans made their walls dry

Physics helps

IBT’s renovation plaster technology was developed as part of scientific research. The special IBT technology creates a unique pore system when mixed, which sucks the wall dry through the physical process of capillary action. “We use simple physical laws. The salts already present in the wall crystallize once inside the wall and do not cause any further damage. If there is new moisture ingress, the fine mineral particles (salt, lime, etc.) carried in the water help to narrow these ascent paths further and further through sintering. This creates a permanent, natural barrier,” says Söndgen.

Passing on old techniques

In the expert discussion that followed, Andreas Leo Denner, an expert on mold in buildings and deputy state master of the painters and decorators’ guild, expressed his wish that old techniques would be passed on more often during training. As chairman of the HTL Baden, he has initiated a project that will test this renovation plaster. “The school is housed in a castle. So there are enough damp walls to test. Measurements will be taken on the wall over many weeks.”
The Mauerbach Charterhouse, the information and training center of the Federal Monuments Office, is also testing the plaster.

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