German Navy sets an example

Two German warships are traveling around the world as part of the Indo-Pacific Deployment 2024. For Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack, the inspector of the German navy, this is more than diplomacy.

Admiral Kaack, let’s be honest: What has the German Navy lost in the Indo-Pacific?

I am asked this question very often. The Navy’s Indo-Pacific deployment is an expression of the federal government’s security policy orientation. This is set out in the national security policy and the Indo-Pacific guidelines. Secure maritime routes worldwide are the basis of our prosperity. We saw this when the Suez Canal was blocked three years ago. One asks oneself: “What would happen if the Strait of Malacca, the busiest sea route in the world, was interrupted here near Singapore?” In addition, the international, rules-based order is being questioned in various parts of the world. We are committed to these rules.

That was a political answer. What does such a deployment achieve militarily?

As military personnel, we of course carry out the political mandate. But operationally we can take a lot with us. The highlight in this regard was Rimpac, the world’s largest multinational maritime exercise led by the USA near Hawaii. 29 countries were involved. When we practice with partners who are not part of an alliance, we see how they protect their maritime territory. During bilateral maneuvers with Japan or Singapore, we can ask ourselves: Are we doing the best thing operationally? What can we learn? This gives new impulses.

But the two German warships change the regional balance of power very little. . .

If you see the Chinese navy with 350 ships and compare it with two German ships, then it is presumptuous to believe that we will change the balance of power. Nevertheless, I maintain that many stones also make a wall. We send an important signal to our partners in the Indo-Pacific when we are present here. In advance, I had many discussions with politicians, experts and military officials in the region. And I heard it again and again: “Please come and show that you are not indifferent to what is happening in this area.”

To person



Jan Christian Kaack, Inspector of the Navy

Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack has been an inspector of the navy since March 2022. This makes him the head of the German naval forces. The 61-year-old joined the Navy in 1982. Kaack studied at the University of the Bundeswehr Hamburg and at the US Naval War College.

Would the German Navy also have a role to play in a conflict in the region?

Our motto is: Regionally rooted but globally committed. Regionally anchored means that our focus is the defense of our country. This also includes, crucially, securing the sea routes from America across the North Atlantic to Germany. But recognizing that everything is connected to everything else, we must not lose sight of the global. Would I see German ships in an emergency operation in the Indo-Pacific? I see us as having greater responsibility if other partners leave.

In other words, their role would be to back up the Americans in the North Atlantic if they were embroiled in a conflict in the Indo-Pacific. . .

We are preparing to take on more responsibility on what we call the northern flank.

How concerned are you that there will be an armed conflict in this region, for example over Taiwan or in the South China Sea?

It is to be hoped that the international, rules-based order will be adhered to here. But we cannot close our eyes to developments in the region. I may be an optimist, but as a soldier I have to assess abilities and possibilities and adapt to them.

There were also times when Western warships visited Chinese ports and invited each other to maneuvers. It’s hard to imagine that anymore. Are there any contacts at the military level today?

My motto has always been: dialogue yes, cooperation no.

What does this dialogue bring?

At least an exchange of perception. At the Munich Security Conference we regularly have a panel entitled “Bridging Troubled Waters”. It’s about the South China Sea. We have already had high-ranking representatives from Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines there. And we always invite two or three experts from China. The discussion then gets heated – but I think this exchange is very important.

The “Baden-Württemberg” and the “Frankfurt am Main” sailed through the Strait of Taiwan and the South China Sea. China claims both bodies of water for itself and is aggressively enforcing its claim. How did your ships fare?

We didn’t see anything that surprised us and nothing we weren’t prepared for.

Americans repeatedly complain about unprofessional behavior on the part of the Chinese. . .

I refer you to my answer to the last question.

China has massively expanded its navy and its coast guard. What changes as a result?

When you build up military power so much, perception changes. The sheer number of ships creates a feeling of threat. And if that is backed up by corresponding actions, then that is not a good development.

The Indo-Pacific deployment is also a test for the new “Baden-Württemberg” frigate class. It is highly automated and requires significantly fewer staff than its predecessors. Does that work?

We are currently analyzing our experiences and making adjustments. So we will increase the number of crews again in the future. The ship was planned at a time when the threat situation was different than today. . .

It was developed in the 2000s and built from 2011. The main focus was on humanitarian rescue missions, stabilization missions and the fight against piracy. A war between industrialized countries seemed unrealistic, and attacks with drones and missiles seemed less likely. Is the frigate at all up to date?

Yes. Take, for example, the threat posed by drones, which has become evident with the war in Ukraine and Houthi attacks on ships in the Red Sea. The “Baden-Württemberg” class will receive the Iris-T SLM air defense system at the beginning of next year. In close collaboration with the defense industry, a containerized version was quickly created that can be placed on the ship.

Anti-aircraft defense is not exactly the strength of these frigates. Like other warships, they are expected to remain in service for 30, 35, even 40 years – with a completely new security situation. How do you deal with it?

Overall, the frigate is a great platform with huge potential. We can easily build on it, modularly like with Iris-T SLM. Incidentally, it is the same system that Germany also supplies to Ukraine. We want and must provide the best possible protection for the men and women who go to sea for Germany’s navy.

Greater automation and more advanced weapon systems mean you need more well-trained people. And this despite the ongoing shortage of skilled workers. Can you compete with the private sector?

We are no different than any civilian employer. On the one hand, we also train ourselves. And we try to get people to join the Navy for as long as possible. At the same time, we want to convey the charm of seafaring. Social media is an important keyword here. We show the Navy where our target group is. This also includes the palm trees that were seen in Hawaii during the Indo-Pacific Deployment 2024.

That almost sounds like a cruise. But a career in the Navy also involves long absences from home, far from family and friends, living in close quarters and sometimes harsh weather. Is that really attractive?

We are trying to reduce the length of absences. And we introduced Starlink on the first ships. This allows the crew to be in constant contact with family and friends via the Internet, free of charge. On long journeys, we also make it possible for you to fly home or bring your family to a port in between. We must take into account the personal needs of the men and women on board and those of their families. But a long deployment in distant regions also has its appeal: many soldiers really want to be there.

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