Prime Minister De Croo points out the importance of the social plan for Audi Brussels employees

Prime Minister Alexander De Croo (Open VLD) and Minister of Work and Economy Pierre-Yves Dermagne (PS) received representatives of Audi Brussels and the trade unions on Wednesday. The Prime Minister emphasized the importance of a solid social plan and a lasting industrial future for the site in Vorst.

“The announced restructuring of the factory in Vorst is a heavy blow for the employees, their families and the entire region,” said De Croo. “They live in great uncertainty. I call on both parties to develop a plan in the short term that gives people perspective on the future.”

This social plan must protect the interests of employees at Audi Brussels and also the many suppliers, it said. According to the unions, this concerns approximately 2,900 employees of the car factory and approximately 1,000 of its suppliers. The Prime Minister underlined that it is crucial to provide not only financial compensation, but also sustainable solutions such as retraining and redeployment in other sectors.

De Croo also pointed out the importance of a lasting industrial future for the site in Vorst. He will continue discussions with Audi for this purpose, “in consultation with the regional authorities involved”.


A Belgian entrepreneur has expressed his interest in the site in writing and would like to keep 1,500 employees working there. Because his plan was unclear and, according to Audi, “not viable”, the potential investor was given extra time to clarify his plan. At the next special works council on Tuesday, October 15, the unions must get clarity about that investor and his plan.

“But even if the plan of this potential investor would not be financially interesting for Audi, it could still be a viable option for us if it would keep 1,500 people employed,” said trade unionist Ronny Liedts (ACV-Metea) on Wednesday afternoon. conclusion of the meeting with the Prime Minister. “That is why we want clarity about this.”

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