With the aim of once again promoting the use of railways for passenger transportation, the Chamber of Deputies yesterday unanimously approved reforms to article 28 of the Constitution by 472 votes. The initiative received the endorsement of all parliamentary groups, although the opposition demanded that in the construction of the new railway routes the cases of cost overruns and ecological damage that, they accused, involved the Mayan Train do not occur again.

Although a total of 135 reservations were presented to the ruling, voiced by 38 speakers, none of the opposition parties’ statements were accepted for discussion, while the Morena legislators and their allies withdrew theirs.

In a meeting with the media, prior to the session, the coordinator of the cherry bench in San Lázaro, Ricardo Monreal, welcomed that the initiative recovers the leadership of the State in matters of rail transport and privileges passenger transport.

On the platform, the deputies in favor of the initiative highlighted that, by promoting the train as a means of passenger transportation, traffic on the roads and airplanes will be relieved; The regional development of the towns and communities through which the railway passes will be promoted, and there will be a sustainable and less polluting mobility option.

On the opposition side, although it was announced that their vote would be in favor of the reform, it was also demanded that the next railway projects be carried out with transparency and care for the environment, in addition to guaranteeing the safety of passengers. against organized crime.

After clarifying that his party is not against passenger trains, PAN member José Manuel Hinojosa warned: We are concerned that they are now talking about seven new passenger train routes, because if we have learned anything in the last six years, it is that each 4T proposal comes with a trap, corruption, opacity, and will surely remain unfinished or useless, like the Felipe Ángeles International Airport or the Dos Bocas refinery.

For his part, the coordinator of the PRI bench, Rubén Moreira, questioned Where is the budget for all this going to come from?and warned that, if this railway project is carried out, the country’s debt could even reach 2 trillion pesos.

After being approved in San Lázaro, the reform was sent to the Senate to be ratified.

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