Despite a fine, Fluvius cannot install digital meters on time

Fluvius failed to install a digital meter in time for more than a third of the families that installed solar panels in 2023. However, the network operator was previously fined for this.

A report by the Flemish energy regulator VREG on the services provided by grid operators shows that in 2023, of the almost 60,000 families that installed or modified solar panels and for which a digital meter therefore had to be installed, more than 22,000 of them (or 38 percent) did not happen within the legal deadlines. The legal period for this placement is 90 days.

However, Fluvius was previously fined by the VREG for this. In February of this year, the regulator imposed a fine of 51,000 euros on the grid operator for not respecting the installation deadlines. This concerned the period between January and October 2022. In 48 percent of the cases, there was no valid reason for late placement.

Commenting on the new figures, VREG spokeswoman Barbara Janssens says that digital meters are “essential in the energy transition” and important to measure the injected power separately, so that owners of solar panels can conclude a feed-in contract with an energy supplier.

It is not clear whether Fluvius should fear a new fine from the VREG.

Solar panel owners may not be very concerned about the late installation of their digital meter. As long as it is not in the meter cupboard, they can use their reversing counter. For many owners, this is more interesting from a financial point of view.

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