CIDE and Grupo Deacero call for the Industrial Thinking Award

▲ Historian Lorenzo Meyer (fifth from left) taught the master class at the Center for Economic Research and Teaching in Mexico City Industrial policy in Mexicoduring the presentation of the call for the Industrial Thinking 2024 award, in which Raúl Gutiérrez Muguerza, Maritza Velázquez Villalpando, José Antonio Romero, general director of CIDE, also participated; Sonia di Giannatale and Rodrigo Aliphat.Photo Cristina Rodríguez

The Center for Economic Research and Teaching (CIDE) and the steel company Grupo Deacero yesterday began receiving works for the 2024 Industrial Thinking Award, with which they seek to encourage students, teachers, researchers or professionals to submit proposals aimed at innovation in public policy. industrial.

After launching the call for the award in its first edition, Raúl Gutiérrez Muguerza, president of the Board of Grupo Deacero, explained that Mexico represents a huge market to become the main source of growth, but much of its consumption is imports. Given the upcoming review of the Trade Agreement between Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC), he said that it is an opportunity to reorient the development strategy with greater regional content.

Meanwhile, José Antonio Romero Tellaeche, director of CIDE, pointed out that Mexico should not be seen as an assembly center, but as a place of technology creation.

During the launch of the award, whose prize for first place will be 250 thousand pesos, 150 thousand for the second place and 50 thousand for the third, the CIDE explained that the rules can be consulted on its page web (, which stipulates that the reception of works will conclude on May 30, 2025 and the award will be announced after completing your review.

With the award we hope to inspire new generations to recover a line of academic research forgotten for several decades and that today redefines economic models at a global level. With investment in science and technology we will consolidate the ties between scientific research and the productive sector to generate well-being and development for the country.sustained Gutierrez Muguerza.

Faced with the conditions disloyal in the market, such as smuggling or dumping, A policy that defends the national industry is essential, as well as measures that encourage innovation. Currently, many manufactured products consumed in Mexico could be produced locally with a modern and inclusive industrial policy, as other countries have done, including South Korea and Singapore, which a few decades ago had lower growth levels than ours.he added.

The current situation, he considered, also represents opportunities to correct course with the review of trade agreements. We are facing an opportunity to align ourselves with our main trading partner to develop a plan for competitive import substitution and productive chains that generate added value and jobs in Mexico and not in Asia.stressed Gutiérrez Muguerza.

For his part, Romero Tellaeche explained that after the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Mexican exports grew exponentially. Mexico was deeply integrated into value chains, particularly in the manufacturing sector, and exports in areas such as automotive and electronics multiplied. However, per capita income and the human development index remained practically unchanged.

The treaty generated structural limitations that limited technological transfer and the ability to develop an autonomous national industry. As a result, the economic model that was consolidated in Mexico was that of an assembly platform, instead of a generator of its own technological innovation.stressed the director of the educational institute.

Along with the 2024 Industrial Thinking Award, CIDE yesterday received the intellectual heritage of the Institute for Industrial Development and Economic Growth, donated so that it can be consulted by students, researchers and academics from both that educational institute and any other.

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