Green light from the Council of Ministers to the Legislative Decree which provides for the new two-year preventive agreement, expiring on 12 December, the text will presumably become an amendment to the Fiscal Legislative Decree, which runs in parallel with the manoeuvre. With the resources collected, the government aims to lower, presumably from 35 to 33%, the rate of the second Irpef bracket. So far the first tranche of the measure has collected 1.3 billion, to expand the bracket estimates speak of the need to reach 2.5 billion.
Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani claims: “As requested by Forza Italia, the government has decided to reopen the terms for the composition with creditors. We will use the additional resources that will come in to support the middle class, lower the Irpef and make Italian families pay fewer taxes “. For Antonio Misiani of the Democratic Party instead “the government invented fiscal Black Friday” while according to Marco Grimaldi of Avs “the Meloni Government continues to give certainties to tax evaders, it always keeps its word with them”.
Meanwhile, we are waiting for the declarations of admissibility of the amendments to the budget law, the reported texts are expected next Monday. Parliamentary sources explain that a lower number of amendments from the majority was expected, 1,200 out of 4,500, and that the skimming could be extensive. The objective would be to bring the text to the Chamber of Deputies from 16 December, with the Tax Decree already approved.
Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti returns to yesterday’s river meeting with the social partners. “Some have incredibly confirmed the strike. This shows how senseless this thing is. What we cannot accept is that we have committed to lowering taxes and we are doing it and this thing is terribly annoying. We are doing things with a bit of intelligence, not cutting indiscriminately”, urges the owner of the Mef. One-time bonus chapter.
The Minister for Relations with Parliament Luca Ciriani states: “We have found the resources to at least double the number of the so-called “Christmas bonus”, the government has always wanted to expand the beneficiaries and therefore has sought the resources to include part of who was left out at the beginning.” The measure, around 100 euros in the pay slip for employees, was “approved in the Council of Ministers, within the decree for the reopening of the composition with creditors”.
Among the amendments presented by the majority, FdI focused its attention on some issues: MEF auditors in the control bodies of companies that receive public subsidies, funds to guarantee the continuation of Rome’s Metro C from Piazzale Clodio to the Farnesina, support for extra activities schools for those under 14. Two amendments from the Prime Minister’s party ask for a change to the rule that introduces MEF auditors into the control bodies of companies, companies and entities that receive contributions from the State.
One of the texts proposes raising the ceiling from a minimum of 100 thousand euros of subsidies to 1 million euros. Another FdI text calls for the establishment of a Family Dowry Fund of 30 million euros for the granting, to families in possession of the requirements, of a contribution of 500 euros per year for each dependent child up to 14 years old for the reimbursement of expenses for educational and sporting services organized during extra-school hours and periods.
Among these, scholastic support or foreign language learning courses are recognised; cultural and tourist services; educational and artistic and musical education courses; sporting activities. A text triggers the dispute with Iv, due to the possible implications with the activity of former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi as an international lecturer. An FdI amendment requests that members of the Government, Italian parliamentarians and MEPs, cannot receive gross annual compensation exceeding 50,000 euros deriving from the performance of activities carried out for entities not having their registered office in Italy. Sources from Itala Viva say: “We have always been doubtful about the effectiveness of those who want to make laws ad personam. Or presumed to be such. We will not propose any changes to this text. If they think it is legitimate and constitutional, go ahead.”