In Friuli Venezia Giulia 1,776 companies are at risk of usury

There are 1,776 companies in Friuli Venezia Giulia that are at risk of usury. After years in which they were decreasing, compared to a year ago, the overall number of these entities grew by 72 units (+4,2%). These are mainly artisans, merchants, traders or small entrepreneurs who have ‘slipped’ into the area of ​​insolvency and, consequently, have been reported by financial intermediaries to the Central Risks Office of the Bank of Italy. In fact, this ‘filing’ precludes these businesses from accessing a new loan. This was reported by the Cgia Studies Office.

At the provincial level, in Friuli Venezia Giulia we see the most critical situation at Udine with 854 activities reported at the Risk Centre. Followed by Pordenone with 425, Trieste with 267 and Gorizia with 230. Compared to the last year, however, the most important percentage increase concerned Trieste with +11.3%. Pordenone follows with +5.7 and Udine with +3.6. Only in Gorizia was there a contraction of -3.4%.

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