Bankruptcies|Sisuste-Peltoniemi is the third company filed for bankruptcy by the same entrepreneur.
Lahtalainen bed entrepreneur Juhana Peltoniemi a third company is also going bankrupt.
The company is filing for bankruptcy Mutual Pension Insurance Company Ilmarinen. The bankruptcy petition was filed on Wednesday.
Told about it earlier Etelä-Suomen Sanomat. According to the newspaper, the company owes Ilmarinen more than 13,000 euros.
HS reports in Februarythat the company applied for and got into restructuring.
Jo previously two other companies of the same entrepreneur have been filed for bankruptcy. In July, the company Vita Talalay was declared bankrupt and in October Lux Beds from North company was filed for bankruptcy.
In November midway Juhana Peltoniemi was imprisoned on suspicion of 80 counts of fraud. According to the consumer representative, the company has failed to deliver the beds they ordered to customers, and has also not returned the customers’ money.