The unions confirm the strike and it is a clash. The Minister of Transport, Matteo Salvini, had summoned the Landini and Bombardieri general secretaries today at 4.30 pm, but the response arrived early: “We have already respected the law, exempting the railway sector”.
“Despite the formal and informal meetings that have taken place in recent days and despite the openness to dialogue shown by CGIL and UIL, who have already respected the law, exempting the rail transport category from the strike, the Guarantee Commission obeyed to the diktats of Minister Salvini, systematically published on social media and through the press, continuing to make further requests for the limitation of the right to strike”. Thus the general secretaries of CGIL and UIL, Maurizio Landini and Pierpaolo Bombardieri, in a joint note. “We ask the Minister what he has done in these two years for exampler ensure safety of workers and users, to improve the conditions of public transport and to ensure the regularity of timetables and the efficiency of the service”, they add.
“Il right to mobility must always be guaranteed and not only on the occasion of the proclamation of strikes. Salvini, rather, would do well to worry about renewing the contracts of millions of workers who are at the service of citizens every day”. Therefore, CGIL and UIL “confirm all the reasons and methods of the general strike on 29 November which will be exercised in compliance with what is established by the regulations, starting from the guarantee bands, and in the interest of all workers in the country”.
Landini, the workers will respond to Sbarra
“I’m not answering, the workers will answer on the 29th. I don’t have to answer anything to the secretary of the CISL, he makes his choices and it would be useful if, just as we respect him, he also respected other people. The strike is a right and if we get to a situation of this kind it is because we are not listened to.” The general secretary of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini, said this.
“To the workers public employees 6% increases were offered when inflation was at 17% – underlined Landini – What should public workers do? Accept the planned reduction in your purchasing power? On public health – he adds – the government is cutting and in reality is favoring the privatization of services. What should we do? Stand by and watch as people no longer have the right to care? They are making everything precarious and what’s more, the only public spending that increases, while they cut healthcare, schools, services and municipalities, is that for weapons.”
Codacons, government precepts to reduce stop 29 to 4 hours
If an agreement is not found with the trade unions, the Government must resort to the instrument of injunction to force workers to reduce the duration of the protest to 4 hours, as indicated by the Strike Guarantee Commission. This was stated by Codacons, which is addressing the Minister of Transport, Matteo Salvini directly.
“Citizens are exasperated by the continuous use of strikes by the unions – explains the association – Since the beginning of the year, and only in the transport sector, there have already been 57 strikes carried out at a national level, not to mention the myriad of lockouts proclaimed at a local level: the airline and railway sectors are the most affected by the union protests, which cause immense inconvenience to users”.
“We do not contest the right to strike nor the just demands of workers, but the ways in which rights are claimed and the excessive number of abstentions from work are now unacceptable, and represent a serious violation of the right to mobility and movement of workers citizens recognized by the Constitution – says President Carlo Rienzi – It’s time to think about alternative forms of protest in the transport sector, such as ticket counter strikes and controllers, which would be to the detriment of companies without interrupting services and without affecting users’ rights. This is why today we ask Minister Salvini to resort to the instrument of injunction during the strike on 29 November, forcing workers to reduce the duration of the lockout to 4 hours and heavily sanctioning violators”.