Argentina: The inflation that people expect for the next 12 months is the lowest since 2021

People are beginning to internalize the decline in inflation. According to the survey that Di Tella University does month by month, for the next 12 months, Respondents believe prices will rise 50.2% on average. It is the number lowest since October 2021when it was estimated at 46.7%.

Inflation expectations have fallen since the peak in January, when they reached 230% annually.

The Di Tella survey was carried out between November 4 and 14. A month ago, the average had returned 54.5%.

As for the median, the projection fell from 40% in October, the average had been 54.5%.

By regions, The Interior reports the lowest annual inflation expectations with 46.8%followed by the City of Buenos Aires, with 53.8% and Greater Buenos Aires, with 55.4%. The values ​​of the three regions are lower compared to October (51.8%, 61% and 57.7% respectively).

If it is measured by income, expectations decreased for both levels. For lower-income households, they went from 52.6% in October to 49.3% this month. And for higher-income households, they fell from 55.6% in October to 50.6% in November.

Just like in October, this month households with higher incomes have higher inflation expectations than those with lower incomes, a behavior that was also observed in previous months with the exception of March, May and August.

Regarding the expected inflation for the next 30 daysin November it was 5.21% according to the average, 4% according to the median, when in October it had been 5.43% according to the average (5% according to the median).

The index that Di Tella measures is obtained from the results of a monthly survey that covers around 1000 cases throughout the country made by Poliarquia.

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