The price of electricity in the sky – See the cheapest hour of the day here

The price of exchange electricity will rise high on Friday, according to the price information published by the electricity exchange Nord Pool.

The highest price is between 9 and 10 in the morning, when exchange electricity costs 37.65 cents per kilowatt hour.

After that, the price stays at more than 20 cents per kilowatt hour until the early evening. At 6 p.m., the price of electricity on the stock exchange drops to 15.49 cents per kilowatt hour.

Towards the evening, the price continues to fall. At 9 p.m., the price of electricity on the stock exchange is already below 10 cents per kilowatt hour, being 8.76 cents per kilowatt hour.

Friday’s price bounce is significant. Today, Thursday, the average price of stock exchange electricity is only 2.06 cents per kilowatt hour, while it was 16.91 cents per kilowatt hour on Friday.

The declining price of electricity means that the user of exchange electricity should think about his own electricity consumption needs with a more precise sieve.

Savings can be made, for example, by scheduling the use of the washing machine and the charging of the electric car for more affordable hours.

By Editor

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