Rough information about the duration of electrical cable repair work

Fingrid, the electricity transmission grid company, announces that the fault in the EstLink 2 cable has been located in the sea cable.

The repair work is estimated to last several months. According to Fingrid, the electricity transmission connection is out of use for the time being.

The EstLink 2 electricity transmission connection between Finland and Estonia went offline on Christmas Day at 12:26 p.m. The failure of the electricity connection has not endangered the operation of the electricity system in Finland.

According to Fingrid, the electricity supply is currently good. However, the company adds that the situation can get worse if the weather gets colder for a longer period of time.

“During a particularly cold and windless period, as a result of the failure of the EstLink 2 connection, the power situation may become more likely to be tight than before,” the announcement states.

The Police, the Border Guard, Customs, the Finnish Defense Forces and the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom will hold a briefing on the cable damage on Boxing Day at 2 p.m.

The cable damage is possibly related to the Cook Islands-flagged oil tanker Eagle S, which was in the vicinity of EstLink 2 on Christmas Day. The ship has been at a standstill off Porkkala since the evening of Christmas Day.

The police announced on the night between Christmas Day and Boxing Day that they will find out in cooperation with the Border Guard and other authorities, among other things, whether a foreign cargo ship is involved in the damage. The police did not name the cargo ship in the announcement.

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