A budget, and quickly: the future new Minister of the Economy knows his priority

A few days before the holidays, station chief François Bayrou seems on the verge of being able to form his government, promised “before Christmas”. First obligatory stop in the form of a baptism of fire for the future team: adopt, as quickly as possible, a budget for 2025 – the Prime Minister has mentioned in recent days a possible vote in “mid-February”, i.e. in eight weeks, while admitting not being sure of achieving it…

Time is running out in any case. Following the censorship of the Barnier government on December 4, the budget for next year which was finally finalized could not be adopted. In an emergency, Parliament therefore voted a few days ago for a special law “article 45”, which authorizes the executive to levy taxes and borrow to finance the State and Social Security, in the absence a proper budget.

By Editor

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