Muutosneuvottelut|Martela is planning cost savings of a couple of million, as a result of which around 20 jobs are threatened.
Office furniture the well-known Martela plans annual cost savings of 1.5–2 million euros and intends to reduce approximately 20 work tasks.
The planned measures concern Martela Group personnel in Finland, Sweden and Norway. The company is also planning layoffs.
“Martela’s profit development has not been satisfactory, and the market situation in the industry has been challenging. As a result, the adjustment measures planned now are necessary to ensure our competitiveness and lower our cost structure. The economic recovery that has already started still includes uncertainty factors,” he says in the bulletin managing director Ville Taipale.
of the Group employs approximately 360 people in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Poland. The timing of change negotiations varies from country to country.
Martela fired 18 people in its previous change negotiations last spring. At that time, a total of 27 jobs ended, as some positions were left unfilled due to natural attrition.