Advertising Ethics Council: Showing an AI-made ad on Tinder was against good manners

It is the first time that the Advertising Ethics Council has issued a statement on an advertisement made exclusively with artificial intelligence.

Advertising the ethical council (MEN) has issued a notice about an advertisement in the Koululainen magazine aimed at children and young adults.

The artificial intelligence had not only prepared the ad but also chosen its advertising spot.

The notice from the Advertising Ethics Council primarily concerned the placement of the ad on the Tinder dating platform. The council considered that running an ad on Tinder was against good manners. According to the council, the placement of the ad on the platform created an image of a follow-up notice.

It is the first time that the Advertising Ethics Council has issued a statement on an advertisement made exclusively with artificial intelligence.

Council according to the ad, the expression “Ajanviettä 7–12y…” was confusingly combined with a picture of a child when presented on Tinder.

“The three dots at the end of the expression were apt to increase confusion,” MEN writes in its announcement.

“Furthermore, the text of the Tinder platform ‘X Long-term partner’ was visible above the ad, which contributed to creating the ad quickly by glancing at the image that it was a dating ad.”

MEN states that the use of artificial intelligence applications in marketing planning, targeting, media selection and media content itself requires special expertise and accuracy.

“Using artificial intelligence applications, ad networks and algorithms does not remove the advertiser’s responsibility, but rather emphasizes the marketer’s duty of care.”

Advertising The ethical council is a self-regulatory body of the business world, whose activities are responsible for the Mainonnan Negotiating Council and the Central Chamber of Commerce.

The council’s task is to issue statements on whether an advertisement or other procedure in commercial marketing is contrary to good practice or recognizable as marketing, taking into account the marketing rules of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

Koululainen magazine is published by Otavamedia.

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