As we prepare to say “goodbye” to the year 2024, the new year 2025 arrives with its share of changes. Transport, health, savings… Several sectors are affected by changes to the rules which are important to be aware of. Some are favorable to you, others less so. Here is a summary.
Limitation of meal vouchers at the supermarket
Censorship from Michel Barnier’s government prevented the vote on the text granting an exemption from the use of meal vouchers on December 31. It will therefore no longer be possible to buy pasta, milk or even eggs with meal vouchers issued by the employer in a supermarket from January 1. Their use will be limited to prepared meals, salads, sandwiches, and other directly consumable products.
Generalization of the obligation of fifteen hours of activities for the RSA
Beneficiaries of RSA (active solidarity income), automatically registered with France Travail, will have to provide more information on their situation. They will be required to pass an interview and sign an employment contract to carry out between 15 and 20 hours of weekly activities, training and internship included, volunteering excluded. Failure to comply with activity hours could result in suspension of RSA payment.
Revaluation of retirement pensions
On January 1, all retirement pensions will increase by 2.2% to align with inflation, an increase of 18 euros on average. However, this revaluation will only be noticeable in February, since there is a month difference. The same will apply to the solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa).
A new compulsory vaccine for infants
To better protect infants against meningococcal ACWY and B infections, which are rare but on the rise in recent years, their vaccination becomes compulsory from January 1, 2025. It will replace vaccination against meningococcal C, already compulsory, and vaccination against meningococcus B, so far only strongly recommended.
The health record gets a new look
A key support for monitoring a child’s health and for regular dialogue between health professionals and families, the health record is regularly updated and enriched. In 2025, it is getting a facelift to take into account new health recommendations and societal developments.
Parents will be able to find advice on raising their child without violence, tables on the introduction of food, advice on sleep or benchmarks for detecting neurodevelopmental disorders. A new examination is also made compulsory at the age of 6 to “strengthen prevention at a time when the majority of children enter primary school, particularly in terms of sensory screening and developmental disorders”.
Ban on renting G-rated accommodation
Housing with an energy performance diagnosis (DPE) classified G will be prohibited from renting from January 1. All new lease signatures, as well as current contract renewals for the rental of a primary residence are affected. Housing classified F will follow in 2028 and those classified E in 2034. Please note that DPEs made before June 30, 2021 will no longer be valid.
The 1.75% home savings plan
The annual nominal interest rate of remuneration for home savings plans (PEL) opened from January 1, 2025 falls by half a point to 1.75%. The rate of this regulated savings product, designed to enable the completion of a real estate project, is determined at the time the account is opened and remains the same for its entire lifespan.
The price of the stamp increases again
Postage prices for letters and parcels are being revised upwards by 6.8%, including an increase of 7.8% for the green letter, which rises to 1.39 euros, compared to 1.29 so far. The rates for the universal postal service, which notably guarantees delivery six days a week and affordable rates for the most common items, had increased by 8.3% on average at the start of 2024. In two years, the green stamp therefore takes 19. 8%.
Customers of the online stamp service, to print at home, will pay 1.35 euros for a green letter. The red stamp, reserved for sending priority letters, has been removed for two years. To send a letter on D + 1, it was replaced by the red e-letter.
A single metro-train-RER ticket for 2.50 euros
This is THE big upheaval for public transport users in Île-de-France. Say goodbye to origin-destination tickets and welcome the simplified fare. There are only two price options for a single ticket: 2.50 euros for a metro, RER, Transilien ticket whatever your destination, or 2 euros for a bus or tram ticket (excluding T11, T12 and T13).
For their part, weekly, monthly or annual subscriptions will see an increase of 2.8%, which brings the monthly cost of a Navigo pass to 88.80 euros, for 976.80 euros in the annual plan.
Crit’Air 3 vehicles banned in the low emissions zone
These petrol vehicles (before 2006) and diesel vehicles (before 2011) will no longer have the right to circulate in the low emissions zone (ZFE) of Île-de-France, delimited by the A 86. This concerns half a million cars. From the beginning of January, certain professional categories but also individuals will be able to request an exemption online to continue using their old vehicle in the metropolis. A list of 22 categories has been made official by the metropolitan council.
End of the Pinel system
The Pinel system, a tax advantage granted to investors who rent their accommodation under preferential conditions, disappears after ten years of existence. The Court of Auditors estimated that “the counterpart of nearly 40 years of tax incentives for rental investment has created a form of dependence of developer-builders on these measures”. New aid intended for legal entities which build this housing should take over.
The tourist tax increases in Île-de-France
The finance law for 2024 introduced a new additional tax to the tourist tax for the benefit of Île-de-France Mobilités. This amounts to 200% of the tourist tax. It concerns Paris as well as the municipalities and communities of municipalities in the Île-de-France region.
Concretely, this means that the base price will now be increased by three taxes: the departmental tax of 10%, the regional tax of 15% and the IDFM tax of 200%. However, its amount varies depending on the type of accommodation. For a 1-star hotel or a guest room, the amount will be 2.80 euros per person per night.
Setting up value sharing for small businesses
Until now, only companies with more than 50 employees were required to redistribute part of their profits to their employees through a participation agreement. This obligation will be extended from January 1 to the smallest businesses. Those which have between 11 to 49 employees, and have achieved a net tax profit of at least 1% of their turnover over the last three years, will have to set up a value sharing system.