Inps denies it the application of new ones pension requirements and “guarantees that the certifications will be drawn up based on the tables currently published”. The clarification comes later the alarm raised by the CGIL who in the afternoon had denounced the unilateral modification of the pension parameters “without any official communication from the competent Ministries” and expressed “deep concern”.
According to the union’s estimates from 2027 to access the early pension, 43 years and 1 month of contributions would have been necessary, while from 2029 the requirement would have further increased to 43 years and 3 months. For the head of the CGIL Social Security Policy Office, Ezio Cigna, “increases with the minimum age to 67 years and 3 months in 2027 and 67 years and 5 months in 2029” would also be recorded for the old-age pension.
According to the confederal secretary CGIL, Lara Ghiglione “these changes, if confirmed, find no confirmation in the official documents currently in force. The only valid reference so far for future estimates was represented by the 25th Report of the State General Accounting Office of 2024, which in fact predicted no increase for 2027 and for 2029 an increase of only one month.” In the evening the official INPS note denied any hypothesis in this sense.