These seasonal workers who sign “a permanent contract with two employers”, from Val Thorens in winter to Lacanau in summer

When, in February 2024, Alexandra Milon applied for a seasonal job in Biarritz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) for the following summer, she only received refusals. “Employers did not offer dedicated accommodation. And given the prices charged by local landlords, they told me to give up because I was going to spend my salary on the rent,” recalls the almost thirty-year-old, former project manager in communications in Paris. Fortunately, she found a plan B and was still able to complete her season.

It is precisely to avoid this type of disappointment detrimental to both parties (seasonal workers and employers) that the Val Thorens ski resort (Savoie) and Médoc Atlantique, a grouping of 14 municipalities in Gironde (mostly on the edge of the ocean), have signed a partnership in November 2024 to transform the working and living conditions of seasonal workers. The objective is to ensure continuity of employment between the winter season in “Val Tho” and the summer in Médoc Atlantique, particularly in Lacanau. How ? By offering permanent intermittent contracts (CD2I) to their seasonal workers.

By Editor

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