The balance between work and personal life weighs more and more on career decisions and for 87% of Argentines is a key motivator to stay in a job or seek a job change.
According to a Randstad survey, despite the challenging economic outlook, geopolitical changes and technological advances, Today workers have motivations that go beyond salary, y They increasingly prioritize flexibility and the balance between personal and work life.
In this sense, when analyzing the factors that – outside of remuneration – lead respondents to prefer a job, the Randstad study reveals that for 87% of Argentine workers, the balance between personal and work life is ranked second. as an attribute for choosing an employer, 4 percentage points above the global average (82%).
When analyzing this variable at a regional level, Argentine workers are the ones who most value the work & life balance (87%), followed in second place by Chileans with 86% and, finally, Uruguayans with 83%.
Regarding the latest edition of Workmonitor – a study that surveys the expectations, moods and behavior of workers based on a survey of 26,000 people in 35 countries -, Andrea Ávila, CEO of Randstad for Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, stated that this reality “puts organizations in front of the need to adapt their value proposition to attract, retain and engage talent.”
When asking respondents if they had ever quit a job because it was not offered enough flexibility, 36% of Chileans, 33% of Argentines and 32% of Uruguayans indicated they had left ever a job because the work scheme was not flexible enough according to your needs. For its part, the lowest figure is recorded globally, where only 31% of those surveyed indicated that they had resigned from a job due to lack of flexibility.
The perception of flexibility is based not only on the scheduling arrangements or how the workday is structuredbut also in relation to workplacewhere proximity and travel time to and from work have an impact and, most especially, the possibility of working remotely or in hybrid schemes.
In this sense, faced with the possibility of choosing, 48% of Argentine workers stated that they would not accept a job that did not offer them flexibility regarding their work schedules.
Regarding the place from which to work, if you can choose without conditions, 42% of Argentines would reject a job that did not allow flexibility in relation to the workplacewhether in home office o hybrid schemes.
“While it could be expected that the difficult economic conditions of 2024 would have moderated talent expectations, Workmonitor data shows the opposite and tells us that workforce empowerment has not been a temporary effect and that Workers are very clear about what they expect from their jobs and of impact they want it to have on their lives. They are more aware of their needs, their priorities are clearer, they know well what they want and they are encouraged to go for it,” said Andrea Ávila.
Intended salary in 2025
Besides, A study by Bumeran revealed that the intended salary increased by 165.31% during 2024, the largest increase since the Bumeran Labor Market Index was carried out (2017).
In addition, it is 47.51 points above inflation for the same period.
The average intended remuneration reached $1,285,900 per month in December, with an increase of 1.38%.