Wages|At the end of last year, the real wages of Finns were 1.8 % higher than the year. Still, purchasing power is weaker than 10 years ago.
Pricing The Finns chastised by the rise are gradually getting up from the pay pit. According to preliminary information released by Statistics Finland on Friday, Finnish real earnings rose 1.8 percent in October -December last year.
The development of real earnings is a good illustration of the development of purchasing power as it has been cleaned up the effect of inflation. The last time real earnings rose as much in October -December 2020, when real wages rose by 2 % compared to the previous year.
At the end of last year, especially Finnish women’s purchasing power improved as their real wages increased by 2.1 %. Men’s real earnings increased by 1.5 percent.
Despite the improvement in purchasing power, the purchasing power of Finns is still quite poor. For real earnings are now slightly lower than ten years ago.
At its height The purchasing power of Finns was April -June 2021.
At that time, Finnish real earnings were over 4 % higher than today. In practice, life at the time was much cheaper for Finns.
Real earnings began to decline in a clear decline in the first half of 2022 as a result of inflation accelerated by the Russian offensive war. At its lowest, real earnings were in January -March 2023, when real earnings were almost 8 % lower than in April -June 2021.
According to Statistics Finland, the average monthly earnings for full -time employees in October and December last year were EUR 4,140 per month.
The chapter describes the mean of the nominal earnings of regular employees of full -time employees. The monthly earnings include the result fees so that they are distributed exactly throughout the calendar year.