Investing is now more positive about the investment – one fear is still preventing, says a study

Two out of three Finns consider stock and other investments to be an excellent way to increase the wealth of citizens and the economy, according to the EVVA’s fall 2024 values ​​and attitudes.

Up to 66 % of Finns think so despite the risks associated with investment.

On the other hand, there are significant differences between the genders in thinking. According to Eva, only 56 % of women think positively about investing, compared with 75 % for men.

Indeed, the popularity of so-called folk capitalism has increased as the 21st century progressed, as Eva says that in 2000, in 2000, only 42 percent of Finns considered investing as a good way to increase wealth.

Pension and job no longer enough

According to Eva, the most common reasons for investing in shares and funds were to build a buffer for unexpected expenses, to get a better return on a bank account and save on old age. 65 % of Finns considered the buffer, 60 % better return and retirement savings motivated 55 % of Finns.

Eva’s leading tax expert Emmiliina Kujanpää According to the majority, saving on shares or funds is a sensible preparedness for the future.

“Especially younger age groups no longer consider jobs and pension to be adequately safe for the future. However, for many, starting investing or investing regularly is a lack of money, ”Kujanpää says in the release.

More than half of Finns, or 57 %, have shares or fund units on the basis of Eva’s study. Nevertheless, almost a third has never invested. The study also shows that the working-age people between 26 and 55 people are most active in investing in Finland. According to Eva, more than half of them invested regularly or occasionally.

Some are still afraid of investing

Although investing is nowadays more positive about the early 2000s, for some Finns, it is still a foreign phenomenon. According to Eva, up to 44 percent are afraid of investing their money wrong and losing it. Lack of money also affects the start of investment: 43 % would be happy to invest in shares and funds, but there is not enough capital.

According to Eva, the lack of information also affects the start of investment. According to the study, 39 % feel that they do not know enough about the investment to start it. Only 15 % have bad experiences of investing.

According to Eva’s leading tax expert Kujanpää, the investment activity of Finns is more influenced by economic realities and level of knowledge than ideological views.

“Half of women are afraid of error investments, at least to some extent, and consider that they do not know enough about investing. In men, there is much less fear of losing savings and experience in knowledge levels. ”

Eva’s research results are based on the answers given by a person in 2018. The answers collected in October 2024 will represent the whole population of 18-79. The margin of error is 2-3 % in its direction.

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