Software giant Microsoft Sites last year’s October -December result on Wednesday, January 29, after the closing of the Wall Street Stock Exchange, about 11 pm Finnish time. This is the second quarter of the company’s financial year.
The gaze focuses on how the company’s artificial intelligence business has evolved. Microsoft has integrated Open ai: n artificial intelligence for their Azure cloud services and Microsoft 360 office programs.
Information service Factsetin According to a consensus forecast from 40 analysts, Microsoft’s net sales are expected to increase to $ 68.8 billion from $ 62.0 billion in comparison.
The company’s own guidelines for the previous earnings announcement to a quarter of the turnover was $ 68.1 to $ 69.1 billion. The guidelines were disappointing, and analysts have since lowered their expectations.
Operational results are expected to increase to $ 30.4 billion last year from $ 27.0 billion. The earnings per share are expected to have risen to $ 3.10 from $ 2.93.
However, many expect Microsoft to exceed the forecast, as the company has succeeded in exceeding the analyst expectations of 11 quarters and net sales for earnings-specific earnings.
The consensus recommendation for analysts for Microsoft’s share is “buy” and the target price for the share is $ 516, compared to $ 440 on Tuesday. Investment bank Saxon Therefore, the earnings forecast recalls that the company’s appreciation is now high and the market needs evidence that the company’s appreciation is at the right level.
Based on earnings forecasts and current stock price, the P/E of the share price and profit is 34.
Deepseek to question the big investments
Microsoft tells his results only two days after the Chinese Deepseek-The artificial intelligence model developed by the Odd Intelligence Tarti confused the future prospects for the development of artificial intelligence.
The model developed more affordable and older processors calls into question the enormous investments of Microsoft and other technology giants in artificial intelligence. Microsoft has said it will invest $ 80 billion in artificial intelligence infrastructure this year.
In Microsoft’s business, attention is paid to the company’s Azure business, under which artificial intelligence applications are sold. Saxo expects the Azure business to grow by 20 % from a year ago.
According to Saxo, Microsoft’s growth would still be slow to eight -quarter and revenue to six quarters.
Distribution of diversification is expected to have a Microsoft game business that has grown up Activision Blizzardin With the purchase.
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