Electronics and appliances prices fell to 34%

The prices of some electronic appliances and articles lowered for the end of the country tax last December 22 and the recent measures of the Government that flexible the importation of foreign products, such as the extension of the limit of small shipments of US$ 1.000 a US$ 3.000 and the elimination of tariffs for the first US$ 400 of each shipment.

A report from Ecosur Foundationthe research area of ​​the Córdoba trade stock markethe verified price drops in a mix of national and imported articles published in Free marketwhich in mid -December added in its place the option to buy directly to sellers abroad.

Between the second week of November, before the changes, and the fourth of January, last data available, the values ​​of certain electronic and appliances Sleeping in the Marketplace Decreased 5.5% on average.

Thus, the entity’s survey argues that the most significant reductions are observed in monitors (-34,1%), Fans (-22,5%), notebooks (-14,3%), mice (-12,3%) and keyboards (-11,3%).

They influence the ‘courier effect’ and the ‘country tax effect’. Photo: Archive

They are followed tablets (-10,8%), refrigerators (-8,9%), printers and washing machines and lavasecarropas (-7,7%), kitchens (-6,4%), air conditioners (-6,3%), TVs (-5%), headphones and speakers and baffles (-3,5%), Horn (-2,6%), microwave (-2,2%) y heater (-0,7%).

The exceptions were coffee makersthat they uploaded a 10,1%; cell phones and smartphonesthat they did a 6,8%; PCsand 6,4%; y termotanquesand 5,2%.

In this regard, the entity said that “while The effect on imported products was more immediatethe transfer of lower costs to national products can take more time to manifest fully. ”


And he added that there are two effects that influence: the ‘Couer effect’ and the ‘Effect Taxo’. “The possibility of buying directly from lower prices Intensifies competition in the local marketforcing merchants to adjust their downward prices, while The end of the country tax reduced import costswhich impacted both the final goods and the inputs used in local production. ”

According to the report, the decrease cannot be attributed to a exchange rate. ” Photo: Guillermo Rodriguez Adami

“Price falls observed in electronic and appliances They were given in a period in which accumulated general inflation exceeded 7%which highlights even more the magnitude of the decrease in these goods, ”explained the Foundation.

In turn, said “that The official exchange rate rose 4.8% and the CCL advanced 2.3% In the same period, which indicates that the drop in prices cannot be attributed to a exchange rate. ”

“Rather, the data suggests that The gradual commercial opening is having a direct impact on prices of importable goods, particularly those who face more intense competition due to import flexibility, ”he said.

Difference in the impact between electronics and clothing

A relevant point that highlighted is that “Price falls were more pronounced in the category of electronics and appliances than in the clothing ”.

“This may be due to the nature of the purchase process: Electronic products are easier to acquire Through online platforms, since they do not require physical test or previous aesthetic evaluation, ”he said.

The price drop is more noticeable in electro than in clothing. Photo: Martín Bonetto

“Instead, The purchase of clothing usually involves additional factorssuch as the need to verify the size, the texture of the garments or the comfort of the calce, which makes consumers more reluctant to acquire these goods without a face -to -face experience, ”he said.

Therefore, he considered that this factor can explain why The competition via electronic commerce is more effective in pressing the downward prices in electro than in clothes.

“In the case of Electro, The combination of greater access to imported products and the ease of online purchase It allowed prices to adjust more quickly, ”he argued.

“In clothing, on the other hand, competition with imported products can be manifest itself more gradually or with less intensity, which explains The least impact on the prices relieved”He said.

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