Interim reports|Elisa’s net sales increased by three per cent at the end of the year and operating profit by 1 %.
Finnish Elisa’s largest telecom operator’s earnings increased steadily at the end of last year.
In October-December, the company’s net sales increased by three percent to EUR 580 million and a comparable operating profit of EUR 125 million.
“In the fourth quarter, Elisa continued her good performance despite the weak macroeconomic environment and geopolitical challenges,” says CEO Topi Manner in the interim report.
The CEO also commented on the Baltic Sea Christmas Cable Breaks.
“Damage to Elisa’s Crisis Cable Damage to Elisa’s Crisis Cable at Christmas in the Gulf of Finland did not interfere with Elisa’s telecommunications services, and damaged cables were quickly repaired.”
The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that last year’s earnings be paid a dividend of EUR 2.35 per share.
Elisa estimates that their turnover will remain unchanged or grow slightly this year. The company estimates that mobile data and digital services will increase net sales.
Elisa estimates the comparable EBITDA of the entire year to be equal or slightly higher than last year.
EBITDA means business result before depreciation, taxes and financial items.