Unemployment|There are now more unemployed unemployed than ever in the 21st century. More and more unemployment has been prolonged.
Highly educated Unemployment has risen recordly and has not yet indicated signs of folding at all. This is what Akava’s unemployment review says.
According to it, the number of unemployed unemployed has now risen higher than ever in the 21st century. In December, the number broke the previous record level of 2015.
At the end of December, there were about 58,500 unemployed unemployed. Compared to November, the number increased by six thousand. There were about 321,500 unemployed jobseekers in December. The chapters also include lay -offs.
At the same time, the number of all unemployed has increased. In December, in December, the unemployment rate was 8.9 per cent in December.
Akava chief economist Pasi Sorjonen estimate in the organization’s announcement that unemployment will increase during winter and spring.
The long -term unemployment of highly educated students has also increased since last summer and, according to Sorjonen, is breaking the record level of 2016 in the coming months.
The unemployment of new graduates is also growing and breaking the Korona-time law.
By contrast, the number of lay -offs decreased in December.
Akava is a labor market organization for highly educated.