Receding Minister of the Environment Kai Mykkänen Said in January that a new nuclear power plant will be needed in Finland and that the government should make a financing solution to build a new nuclear power.
The Mykkänen’s proposal would build a system inside the Finnish electrical system that would guarantee the minimum and maximum price for electricity produced by the new nuclear power plant.
In Mykkänen’s view, a nuclear power plant is needed because electricity consumption is estimated to double by 2035.
The market jury has a major reservation on Mykkänen’s proposals.
“It’s a fresh breeze from the 1960s when nuclear power plants began to be worn in Finland,” says Aalto University’s workplace professor Iivo Vehviläinen.
According to Vehviläinen, the need for electricity has been used as a basis for new nuclear power plant projects in previous permit applications in the 2000s.
“The need is pretty badly suited to the market economy to start thinking by politicians that everything is needed. If decisions are no longer directed by the market, but politicians, then responsibility will be transferred to politics. ”
According to Vehviläinen, the minister’s proposal is careless.
“I consider the minister’s statement to be careless because it had no groundwork. It is not based on an analysis that has usually been done in terms of big social decisions. ”
Maarit UusitaloDirector of Electricity Market Unit from Fingrid, agrees.
“Choosing one form of production that is decided to support is not a line that suits the market -based system. If you decide to support, it should be technology-neutral. ”
Energy Market Manager for Energy Industry Pekka Salomaa Also calls for weighing.
“If we do strong state interventions, it requires very much consideration. Consideration of how it affects the investments that would take place on market terms and what the impact on demand is. ”
According to Salomaa, more nuclear power would be facilitated by industrial investment and an electricity -use industry is needed in Finland.
“At the same time, we resolved the European Energy Crisis in Finland with wind power and nuclear power and it happened market -like.”
Do you need nuclear power in Finland? How to solve the problems of varying electricity generation? Watch the full conversation in the video below.
Market jury
The market jury will discuss this week about what kind of electricity production in Finland will be needed in the future. Can electricity still have a shortage of electricity and what about the price of electricity?
Among other things, these topics are coming to discuss the energy market leader of the energy industry Pekka SalomaaAalto University in Workplace Professor Iivo Vehviläinen and the head of the electricity market unit of the transmission system company Fingrid Maarit Uusitalo.
The market jury is hosted by Kauppalehti’s editor Soili Semkina.
The commercial partner of the market jury program is Aktia. All journalistic decisions are made in delivery.
See all market-jury episodes from here.