Since January 1, the reform has been officially launched. The countdown is therefore now triggered to switch all French departments in the renovated RSA (Active Solidarity Income) – also called “under condition” because it requires 15 hours of weekly activities for beneficiaries.
This system from the full employment law of December 2023 must be generalized everywhere in France, with the 1.8 million households concerned within two years. It was gradually tested, first in 18 departments, then in 49 departments in 2024 from 75,000 beneficiaries. Experiments which “proven themselves”, defended Thibaut Guilluy, the director general of France work, by presenting this Friday morning his prospects for 2025.
Strong drops in the Somme and in Marseille
According to the first results of the organization, 40 % of beneficiaries left the RSA 12 months after entering the course. “For a more complete analysis we await the results of the DARES evaluation (Statistical branch of the Ministry of Labor) During the year, the Managing Director continued. But we already observe that, in 14 out of 18 territories (first experiments)the number of RSA beneficiaries has decreased. And for 7 of them, this drop exceeds – 10 %. This would notably be the case in the Somme (community of communes of the Pays du Coquelicot) and in Marseille (I and the 7th arrondissements, Bouches-du-Rhône).
However, it should be noted that out of the 75,000 beneficiaries concerned by the experiment, 47 % were relatively close to the job since they were oriented towards a so -called “professional” course, when 28 % were very distant from it (oriented towards a course called “social”). “There are still levers to activate” to improve these results, said Thibaut Guilluy.
As for the 15 hours required from beneficiaries (and who include more than 200 types of activities, such as training, immersions in business, administrative procedures …, but also sports modules), they would not be a Brake according to the Managing Director: “90 % of beneficiaries are satisfied with the reinforced support that has been put in place. »»
An influx to come
This is not the only change linked to the reform. From now on, RSA beneficiaries are automatically enrolled in France work and must sign a commitment contract which modulates the compulsory hours according to their situation. “We will have finished on January 31 the registration of all those who were not already, around 130,000 young people and 900,000 to 950,000 beneficiaries of the RSA,” said Thibaut Guilluy.
This future influx had alerted the union representatives of France work which had initially called for a new strike from February 4, a call ultimately suspended after the Bayrou government’s commitment not to suppress 500 positions among the France work advisers. To cope with this rise in charge, the operator puts on an “efficiency plan” which must allow, notably thanks to the use of artificial intelligence, to redeploy 1,000 agents towards the reinforced support of RSA beneficiaries, In addition to the other actors (departments, local missions, etc.) involved in the reform.