Fuel became more expensive than expected

The Year 2025 brought for local Driver some Inflation. So the Price for the annual vignette, After an increase was suspended in 2024, again adapted to the consumer price index and raised by 7.7 percent.

With a price of 103.80 euros, the sea-green car badge is therefore the hundred euro limit for the first time.

Fuel prices added 6 cents/liter at the start of the year

Also Petrol and diesel became with The beginning of the year more expensive. This did not come as a surprise: on January 1, 2025, the national CO₂ prize rose from 45 to 55 euros per tonne CO₂. It was clear that a price increase at the petrol pumps would also be accompanied. In order to pay an average of three cents per liter in the new year, the ÖAMTC calculated at the end of 2024. In fact, the fuel prices in January have increased by just over six cents per liter for petrol and diesel.

“This is significantly more than the expected increase in the CO2 prize, which only makes around three cents. The main reason for the additional increase was the high oil price,” analyzed the ÖAMTC on Friday.

Traditionally, it is particularly expensive for motorway filling stations – with maximum prices of 2.129 euros per liter.

Further increases

Bitter: The climate bonus, which was launched as a compensation payment for CO2 prices, will be almost safe to stuff budget holes.

In order to rinse money into the clammy state coffers, the blue and turquoise negotiators also consider a valorization of federal fees. This would increase the cost of issuing passport, driver’s license or vehicle approval – almost 44 percent.

The grant fee for the Driver’s license is likely to increase from currently 60.50 euros to around 87 euros. The fees for one Vehicle registration Would increase from currently 119.80 euros to around 172 euros.

E-cars: Higher costs threaten

Not only owners of vehicles with combustion engines have to dig deeper into their pockets in 2025. It could also hit e-car drivers: FPÖ and ÖVP have announced that tax privileges for “electricity cars”, such as FPÖ financial spokesman Hubert Fuchs She calls it to be deleted. In this way, an engine-related insurance tax for e-cars is to be introduced, which will significantly make the running costs for electric cars significantly more expensive.

So far, electric cars have been liberated. Whether the exemption from the standard consumption is also history for electric cars – the Nova falls once when buying a vehicle – will still show.

By Editor

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