What is he keeps Leica in the manga to celebrate his centenary?

Leica This year your centenary. No brand lets such an event pass without resisting the temptation to keep an ace in the sleeve. To start, the company Wetzlar The SL3-Sa camera of 24 MEGAPIXELES OF DESIGN BAUHAUS with improved and thoughtful self -confidence for content creators who oscillate between photography and video.

It is only the end of a thread that will bring more news. Leica likes to squeeze his cycles. If one premieres one Q3its best selling range, which works as the engine of the 54 million invoiced In fiscal year 2023/2024, on that basis it is itera with special versions that contain small touch -ups, generally aesthetic, although sometimes they go further. The Q3 43for example, introduce in this category of cameras with optics fixed an unprecedented focal to date, 43mm with a maximum F2 opening and the label APOspecifically designed to reduce chromatic and spherical aberrations to its minimum.

The theory of the pyramid finds its maximum expression in telemetric Leica Mthe hallmark of the German house, the instrument they have resorted to for 70 years Some of the eminences of this art. After the appearance of the M11 (2022) The witness took the M11m (2023)a camera that only black and white photographs, regardless of the Bayer filters; the M11-P (2023)very similar to the first; and the M11-D (2024)whose great novelty is to do without the digital screen located in the rear of the camera to focus with electronic help or view already taken images.

It is rumored that the best pyrotechnics of the centenary will start precisely from a renovation, perhaps disruptive, of the telemetric branch. In a camera of these characteristics, the viewfinder is not digital but optical and you have to align two images of the same scene until the overlap is perfect. Only then is an accurate approach guaranteed. The problem of this method, old and common during several analog generations and between diverse brands, is that it implies some obstacles. If the light conditions are bad, the approach is complicated. Sometimes the goal is not well calibrated (Focus Shift) and focusing becomes a lottery. Nor is it easy to enter action photography.

As Leica is hermetic, the M12, Perhaps reserved for the second semester, it could take two paths if the solutions proposed today are attended. The way Fujifilmmaterialized in the X100VIcombine an electronic and optical but non -telemetric viewfinder. If I follow this course, Leica would maintain what he already has and add, more or less ingenious, a second viewer equipped with all contemporary parsley (helping the approach, real -time visualization of the exhibition).

Less known, there is also the way Pi xii. Although French consumer technology is not the most reliable in the world and although there are few who possess this machine, the concept coined here (“interactive telemetric”) unlocks a hybrid experience, so that the eye has an extra layer that helps to refine the focus, light and white balance.

The cost of this romance between tradition and innovation would not be crazy if it is attended to the starting price of the Pixii Max (3.999 euros).

Decide what you decide, you will measure your steps very well. No other brand maintains such close contact with its faithful, and a faithful of Leica is usually forever. That feedback will allow the Teutona firm to have the proposal very clear, be the one that ends up being. The riddle, in any way, seems convoluted: maintaining the purity of its most emblematic model without stopping pushing it towards an interface that makes it more accessible and popular.

By Editor

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