New month, new prices. It is a bit of the maxim that sums up the changes put in place this Saturday, February 1. For this second month of the year, prepare your wallet for several price increases, whether in the gas or rates for motorway tolls. Savings booklets will also report a little less now, but we can be delighted with the drop in the price of electricity, which should benefit 24 million households.
Booklet A, LEP … Rates down
Several savings booklets see their remuneration rate drop from February 1. The booklet has increased from 3 % to 2.4 %, while the popular savings book (LEP), intended for the most modest incomes, sees its rate drop from 4 % to 3.5 %. The Sustainable and Solidarity Development Booklet (LDDS) also sees its remuneration rate drops to 2.4 %.
The sums deposited on booklets A as well as on LDDS are for 59.5 % managed by the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC) and mainly intended for the financing of social housing. These booklets faded by 17.5 billion euros between January and November 2024, to reach an outstanding of 582.3 billion euros, according to the latest CDC data.
Decrease in electricity prices
Your electricity bills should display a lower amount in the coming weeks. Prices must drop by 15 % from February 1 for 24.4 million households affected by this measure. This decrease concerns all residential and professional subscribers benefiting from regulated prices, or at the rates indexed on it.
The regulated electricity sales prices “drop because the energy share (of the invoice) decreases very much,” said the president of the energy regulation commission, Emmanuelle Wargon. The CRE has thus formalized the exact level of this drop so far awaited at -14 %, after two years of strong increases against the backdrop of an energy crisis.
The gas benchmarks price increases again
Commissioning each month as an indication by the National Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), the gas system is still a slight increase in this month of February, after a first increase on January 1. Thus the average price per kWh drops to 0.14775 Euro including tax against 0.14648 euros including tax for hot water and cooking in January, or 0.87 % increase. On the heating side, the price is now 0.11877 Euro TTC per kWh, 0.11751 euros TTC so far, an increase of 1.07 %.
Increase in toll prices
Be careful if you are a regular in the highway. The toll prices will increase on average by 0.92 % this Saturday, after having climbed 3 % in 2024, and even 4.75 % in 2023. An absolute record, consequence of inflationary fever which had then taken hold of the French economy.
In detail, prices will be noted 0.77 % on Cofiroute, ASF, Escota, 0.85 % on Sanef, 1.08 % on APRR, 1.10 % on Area, and 1.14 % on SAPN. “We are almost as low as possible,” said one of the highway.
The upward gray card in three regions
Automobile always, obtaining the gray card from your vehicle will cost you more in certain regions. After an increase in prices on January 1 in Normandy, Center-Val de Loire, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Nouvelle-Aquitaine and in Corsica, via the increase in regional tax, a new wave will occur on February 1.
In detail, the regional tax will go from 55 to 60 euros in Brittany, from 48 to 60 euros in the Grand Est region and from 51 to 57 euros on Reunion Island.
Tobacco price increase
The price of the packet of cigarettes is still increasing by a few cents. Cigars, tobacco to heat and rolling tobacco packages are also affected. The brands do not all know the same increase, which intervenes as part of a progressive path to bring the price of the package to 13 euros in 2027. For example, the pack of 20 Gallic Gallic cigarettes goes from 12.30 Euros at 12.50 euros, a price threshold which is now minimal for a standard package.
An allowance for students without university restaurant
It is a revolution for students whose establishment is without university restaurant nearby. From this Saturday, they can benefit from a prepaid card credited with 40 euros per month for scholarship holders and 20 euros for non-breeches. The purpose of this allowance is to allow them to eat on the lunch break like ticket-restaurant for employees, when their place of studies does not offer access to a university restoration structure.
Casino disappears a little more
Exit the little casino, vival and other spar. In total, 92 proximity covenants of the Casino group located in the Occitanie region and properties of the Puig – son franchisee, “will gradually adopt the identity and standards of Carrefour” From this February 1, which means the passage to the Carrefour City brands, Carrefour Express and Proxis.
According to the specialized media LSA, which had revealed the information, these local stores generate an annual turnover of around 70 million euros and employ 500 people.
A new AI regulation
As of February 2, 2025, the European regulation on artificial intelligence prohibited AI systems with unacceptable risks, such as unconscious manipulation or social notation. These prohibitions aim to guarantee compliance with European fundamental standards and values, specifies the government’s site.