Rajib of Nutra is one of the most prominent opinion and writers in India and the Hindu world today. He is considered one of the thinkers who give the intellectual infrastructure to the Indian right, which of course is a home for Prime Minister Narden Modi.
From the convert is the founder of the Infinity Foundation, a non -profit organization in Princeton, New Jersey, which focuses on researching Indian cultures. In addition, he has composed many books that have become a bestseller in India and around the world, including “Breaking India” and “Being Different”, and leads a conceptual line that seeks to bring back the discourse around history and Indian identity to the center of the stage, challenging Western perceptions about the company and culture of the subcontinent . And in short, from Hatura asks the Hands and the Jews to be proud of their legacy and identity.
We sat down with him from giving up millions of supporters and believers, to discuss with him in what was happening in the West and the east – and why he believes that Hindi -Jewish ally is an hourly order.
First we have been talking a little about the US elections, and feelings in recent times that the political institution in all Western countries has been crumbling. “I have been living in the United States for 55 years, I want Western civilization to be successful. I do believe America should be great again, as ever, “he says. But I believe in maritochemia (rulers with skills, AO), and I am also a product of it. My success is evidence of openness in Western society. ”
So what happened?
“I attribute it to the Obama era. It’s the WOKE that has eventually spread to the rise of anti -maritochemia. That is, it is actually Marxism: everything is built on depressing and depressed and the individual has no ability to influence his condition.
“After September 11, Muslims were in trouble. For a while, people in the US attacked Muslims everywhere. How is it that today they are at the forefront of the riots against Jews and the Hindus? The people who were the underdog in the cultural wars are now the dominant, at least on the democratic and liberal side of the map. To a large extent, we now see a response against them in the Trumpy wave. ”
Rajeb from a fired
personal: 74 years old, married. Born in New Delhi and live in New Jersey, USA
professional: In 1994, he founded the Infinity Foundation, which focuses on the study of Indian cultures. Considered a leading thinker, and also composed a number of bestseller. In the past, he founded and managed several IT companies that operated in more than 20 countries
Something else: Indian Prime Minister Naranndra Modi is followed by piety, saying that he is “worthy of assessing our heritage and purification of the erroneous interpretation of it”
“Everyone wants to be with the oppressed”
From a dismissal, one moment identifies that it all started to go crazy for him. “After George Floyd’s tragic event was a kind of collective white guilt and lots of liberal guilt. This expanded the depressed depress The breed, and the Muslims joined the blacks and said, “We are depressed too.” And the torments, who joined the bricks, are the Jews. Until then, the issue of Palestine was curated to ultra -liberal campuses. America has always had some cultural hostility with the Jews, but it has been fired within academic campuses. The cancer has not yet spread. But in the new world created after the Floyd event, everyone wants to be with the oppressed. I also supported BLM and gave them a lot of money, I didn’t realize that the left would take over it. And this is used by the Muslims against the Jews and Hindus. ”
He claims, “These are pseudo -liberal, it is not Real liberalism. Liberalism should allow you to doubt things, but they promote the cancellation culture. They are dogmatic people, in the sense that the conclusion has been achieved and they do not allow them to convince them – like a large sect. I have been dealing with the cancellation culture for 30 years, because as an Indian I was going to talk about the biases in the academy. In the past, my fund has given millions of dollars to places like Harvard, Columbia, Princeton, University of California, Texas University and more. We have funded this to have a more open discussion so that people from my tradition can come and explain our perspective to academics that were biased. But I found out they wanted all the money, but don’t want them to challenge them. ”
From being fired, he decided to establish his Infinity Foundation research institute, and start spreading his books. “I started writing my books and managed to recruit the public opinion of our diaspora and of Hindu in India against the descriptions I call ‘Hindophobia’, which is about as anti -Semitism.”
The influence of Maharara is evident not only in India, but also among the Hindu community around the world. He is considered a leading figure that shapes the discussion of India in the international arena and the role of Hindu religion in the modern age. He worked for years in the US corporate world, where he established himself as one of the leading experts in his field. He has a master’s degree in computer science with an internship in artificial intelligence from the University of Sirkayz in New York.
In recent years we have seen a large number of people from Hindi backgrounds catch key positions in the West. Rishi Sonak served as British Prime Minister Tulsey Gabard was the representative of the United States House of Representatives, and Noka Ramswami ran for presidential in the Republican primaries (and retired), Cash Patel is the incoming FBI head.
“There is one thing that is in common for all these characters, and none of which took office because of identity politics. Each one came into his talent. Everyone was selected as individuals, there was no Hindu bunch or political groups that pushed them. Credit also comes to Trump, for being a person with the orientation of memorials. I have some agreements and disagreements with him, but my experience so far with his team is that they are open to the discussion and hear resistance. ”
Thus, he found himself from Nutra taking part in conference conversations with people who were nominated for senior positions in the new government, “because they want to hear opinions, they want to get feedback and they want ideas and brainstorming. And I find that they are very open to hear,” he says, add This in the Democratic Party because there is more walking without asking questions.
Proud in India: “It’s time for gambling”
From the contradictory, he believes that the Hindus in the US needs to learn from the Jews. , Everyone goes out on their own. That we don’t earn each other together.
” Need to be as organized as the Jews. ” Indian Independence Day celebrations, New York / Photo: AP, JIN LEE
And how is the situation in India itself?
“Well, I would say that in many ways I am very proud of India. I did not expect it to become a high growth country and a free initiative. , Allow me to take $ 50 outside the country. this is. By law, I couldn’t get India more than that. And India was very poor. ”
From his dismissal, he describes how India moved from a closed economic system to free initiative. “Many things occur at a fast pace along with high growth and a lot of technological emphasis, educational emphasis. And they made a generation of Indians to serve the British Empire.
“Before the British, the Muslims, the Muslims. Between Muslim government and British rule, there are more than a thousand years of slavery. The Indians did not really grow from it,” he continues. “But now they have confidence that their child is going to study, that they can own things, that they earn money. Economic success that is largely based on intellectual success, which is also psychologically empowered. To do a colonization of our entire education system. Now she starts to rediscover her culture and heritage. ”
When Tamaswami ran for presidential in the primaries, people began to say that he was working idols, which he was not American, and more. It almost sounds like what the Jews say. And here, he is going to be with Elon Musk in the Trump administration.
“When I founded my foundation, one of the things I learned was that there is a white supremacy and Christian extreme. American. ”
And Ramaswami, competed in the primaries and referred to ” idolatry ” / Photo: Infinity Foundation
From Etrot, he says he sees two different camps in Trump’s coalition: “On the one hand, there are the technocrats, who are Musk and Ramaswami and all the guys who are based on meritocracy and hold a pragmatic agenda. And technological and there is a serious concern that it is too late. In the Maritochemia because he himself is a very smart player who knows how to play the game and who needs to appease and how. ”
He previously wrote that Hindus is being hurt by the Diversity, Equality and Bride (DEI) policy and opposed it. Why is it?
“The Dei actually took the identity quota system and brought it to human resources departments, especially at universities. They named school as teachers, students of various types and professors and so on. From there it moved to the government, the army, the corporate sector.
The common fate of the Hindu and the Jews
Over the years, from Nutra, he has often mentioned the connections between Hindu and Jews in the West, and especially the common between them. “The two communities tend to be logical, rationality, with a great deal of emphasis on STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics, AO) and education. Both of these communities worked hard and were successful in the US without playing the identity politics game to move forward. The parents are pushing their children strong because so progress in maritochemia.
Here, he says that “about 15 or 20 years ago, the Chief Rabbi of Israel and other Jewish groups contacted Hindu to hold an inter -religious summit. Both parties were religious leaders and educational people, and they also wanted a number of researchers to carry out the study and provide the facts, and I was the learner The first Hindu. Yeshivas were made and many decisions were made.
“Look,” he declares, “when you talk to Indians and Hindus, and when they are open about their opinions, they will probably agree with that we need to find a joint basis and cooperate with Jews because we have joint problems and Jews are better organized in the US and in the world. So I think Hindus can learn from the Jews in certain ways, and vice versa – the Jews can benefit greatly because the Hindu population is going to be very large in the Western world. ”
One of the things that many Indians told me about October 7 is that they immediately thought of the Mumbai attacks by Pakistan terrorists.
“Yes, I also think one of the things to take into account is that Judaism and Hinduism are not missionary religions. For us, God does not ask us to put the other guy into our religion because that is his problem. I have to worry about myself. This is the spiritual way. The right thing according to my faith.
What feelings did you have on October 7?
“Of course, the event was terrible and I immediately felt that there was a huge failure here. The goddess has a resentment for Jews, and Hindus are a kind of brackets with the Jews.
“Take pride in her legacy without imposing her on others”
From the contradictory, to talk about the need to feel proud of Hindu and Indian heritage. “Everyone should be proud of their own heritage,” he says, “but you have to do it with mutual respect and without hatred for others and without trying to force others. Good, not enough money and so on, so it bothers him very much. ”
According to him, this is one of the reasons why there are people who turn to violence and want to overthrow others. “In the case of the Hindu, we did not turn to violence when we did not go well. They managed to walk through peace and education to achieve what we achieved. ”