The small house shop was the least last year since the 1990s recession

It may be that the value of detached houses is no longer rising outside the growth centers, says economist.

Detached The transaction was minor in Finland last year since 1995. Put it out From the National Land Survey of Finland.

In 1995, Finland crawls up from a long recession. Is this time hope that the prices of small houses that have collapsed outside the growth centers will increase at some point?

“After all, the situation in areas that are heavily losing their population is challenging. It may be that there is no longer enough demand for housing there that the value of small houses would at some point grow, ”adds an older economist who is familiar with the housing market Veera Holappa Pellervo Economic Survey (PTT).

The situation is particularly unfortunate because in Finland, many in their own dwellings are almost the entire property.

According to Holapa, the price development of detached houses is still at the Nation’s level in the bottom.

“It’s not yet over. Here I use Statistics Finland’s information, the latest of which will be in late September. ”

Managing director Tuomas Viljamaa The Real Estate Confederation (KVKL) reminds us that there may be misconceptions about the value of the dwelling.

“There is a bit of a problem in Finland that in a way, there is a promise that the price of a home home will increase. Such a promise just no longer applies. The location really has a lot of impact on this. ”

According to Holapa, last year was a bit better in the big cities and their frames than the year 2023.

“In larger cities, the decline in prices has leveled off already in 2023. Elsewhere, the prices drop continued for a longer time. ”

Saari of the National Land Survey of Finland says that in the light of the housing sale, there are clear winners and losers in Finland.

“There are areas that grow and develop, and on the other hand, places where people move to growth centers.”

Island It was hoped that the trade in small house properties would go up last year.

“This didn’t happen. However, in the second half of the year, there was a slight increase in trade volumes compared to the beginning of the year and the corresponding time of 2023. ”

However, the island of a positive thing brings out last year’s small house store.

“In the light of our statistics, the decline in median prices would seem to have stopped, at least in small house stores in the town planning area.”

Help did not come from a trend in an internal migration in the country: after the corona time, it was thought that increased telecommuting would make some Finns move out of large cities.

“The statistics do not support this. At least the change is not so big that it would be reflected in the housing sale, ”says Holappa.

Holappa It emphasizes that statistics may not tell you how down small -scale prices can drop at worst.

“The reason is that for the lowest prices, home sales can not be completely done.”

According to Holapa, there is no estimate of how much detached houses in Finland that cannot be sold at any price.

“It is also a social challenge if people can’t move for this reason.”

Houses whose monetary value is low or non -existent may eventually end up in the heir.

According to KVKL Viljamaa, a total of about 12,500 used detached houses were sold in Finland last year.

By Editor

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