Set the hosings of a sheep so that it can keep good balances, choose a qualified ram to ensure the right reproduction in its breeding, or even appreciate the state of health or bodily of a beast to meet the challenges of productivity , of public health and animal well-being … These are some of the practical and theoretical tests of the Ovinpiades in which 850 young people have launched, including 27 of the agricultural high schools in Saint-Pouange (Aube) and Rethel and Saint-Laurent ( Ardennes).
Final on February 22 at the Agriculture Fair in Paris
Léa, 17 years old, in the final year and technology of agronomy and living in Rethel, managed rather well in the evaluation test of the fattening state of the lambs, “to decide if they are Good or not at slaughter, ”she says. In a region rather specific to cattle farming, exercise requires a specific approach. “We are going to go and touch the column because this is where the fat will store, a bit like humans. The less we feel the ribs, the more greasy the lamb will be. When the animal is killed, it remains on average 20 kg of carcasses, therefore of frostable meat. “If we have a carcass above or too much below this reference, we will remove value at the sale price of the meat, therefore less remuneration for the breeder. »A basic rule for any breeder who produces butcher’s lamb.
This ovinpiades competition opens up to students from 16 to 24 years of agricultural sectors every year, with the aim of discovering the sheep sector. Of the 850 participants, 40 will participate in the final scheduled for Saturday, February 22 at the International Agricultural Show in Paris. For some, it’s the Grail. For others, it is above all a pretext to perfect their art for their future profession of breeders, or even to deepen their discovery of sheep farming. “My zootechnics teacher (Breeding Sciences and Techniques) offered to participate. I started because I had already worked in sheep during a 3rd year internship. It had me much more and I wanted to see how different it was from the cattle workshop … and I had an extremely fun during the training sessions, ”says Léa.
A sector that feminizes
Also discovered for some of her comrades like Anaëlle who knew sheep farming at her internship supervisor: “It made me want to do some contests for fun. “Or Clémence, 17, who imagines himself much later” having some sheep on his farm “. What also confirm the feminization of this sector of activity. According to the national interprofessional association of cattle and meats, an out of 3 sheep farm is led by a woman.
In the jury, teachers, but also professionals, breeders who sometimes combine with another job when the size of their livestock is not enough to ensure enough income. Damien, a juror who grew up at the Lycée de Saint-Pouange when his father was responsible for managing the farm, says: “I participated for 6 consecutive years in the Ovinpiades. It has always been a goal every year. For all those who are passionate about sheep and motivated by competition, it’s a good challenge, and when you are a good group of friends, it motivates and you try to be better than the others, ”he says .
“The Ovinpiades are also used to trigger passions, even if we feel that there is a small hole in terms of volunteers,” said Arthur, another juror, who also recalls the current difficulties of the profession. “Even if today, the sheep is still very promising, we must not forget the years when breeders have eaten black bread. Funding must be found to find the farm. I am the son of a cereal farmer, and to evolve his land to put sheep on it, it is reflected. »»
And yet, the sheep sector has real growth potential in the country. “In France, we do not yet produce what we consume,” explains Marine Charbonnier, host of Inn’ovin in the Grand Est, a program dedicated to the development of the sheep sector in France and the recruitment of new breeders. “Until 2022, we had managed to pass the 50 % self -consumed French production mark, but we have returned below since. “The demand exists, especially on certain religious festivals,” but some lambs will rather be for export, such as lambs in the Basque Country. The outlets will be on the Spanish side because we do not consume in France. »»
A sector that has real potential
If the difficulties exist as recently with the Catarrhale Ovine fever (viral disease which affects ruminants), “the price of the lamb normally allows to ensure a certain financial stability for the breeders who set up, to ensure its loans And to get a small salary, ”says Marine Charbonnier. The fact remains that the herds decrease “because the troops are less large than before. We have people who transform the farm of their parents, from the cattle to the sheep … or then people who settle with small herds to get their hands. ”
Convincing young people requires significant fieldwork. “Today, in agricultural high schools, we are going to talk a lot about the bovine sector. There are not necessarily teachers who know each other in sheep, ”regrets Marine Charbonnier. Despite everything, this long -term work begins to bear fruit. According to the latest census figures made by the Livestock Institute, the departure of 500 breeders of more than 50 sheep is compensated each year by 500 installations on average.