After appearing for just over an hour before the Commission of Finance and Public Credit of the Senate of the Republic, Gabriel Cuadra García was ratified, with 12 votes in favor, as a subgovernor of the Bank of Mexico (BDEM).
When questioned by the members of the commission about their experience and the work it would carry out at the Central Institute, the now member of the BDEM Governing Board promised to combat inflation.
Cuadra García will have his first participation in an important decision of the BDEM this week, when the Governing Board holds its first monetary policy meeting, whose determination will be announced on Thursday at 13 hours.
The Governing Board faces a complicated scenario, since, although analysts foresee that the Central Bank would continue in February with its casualties to the interest rate, they now expect that Donald Trump’s economic policy makes the decision difficult.
He stressed that, as a member of the Autonomous Organ, the decisions it will make will always be based on a technical analysis of the country’s macroeconomic conditions, especially in the inflation panorama.
Cuadra began his career in the BDEM more than two decades ago, as an economic investigator at the Central Bank and monetary policy manager.
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