Government De Wever wants to raise the amount of meal vouchers from 8 to 12 euros, half of companies are willing to follow

Half of the Belgian companies (53 percent) are willing to raise the amount of the meal vouchers from 8 to 12 euros. That is what HR office Group S says based on a survey at 1,000 companies.

The Coalition Agreement states that the De Wever Government will instruct the social partners to increase the legally permitted intervention for meal vouchers by twice 2 euros in the upcoming legislature. Other checks, such as the eco vouchers, wants them to be extinguished.

According to the survey of Group S, 53 percent of the companies are willing to implement the increase, even if it is not mandatory. At 29.7 percent of companies there is no willingness and 17.3 percent don’t know yet.

Due to the wage standard law, wages will not be allowed to rise above the index for two years. A higher amount of meal vouchers is an attractive alternative to employers, says Frank Verbruggen, Legal Manager at Group S. “Increasing the meal vouchers is social and fiscally beneficial, so the purchasing power of employees increases, without the employers being too high for employers entails. ”

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