The fantasy that has become an election slogan to “make great America again”, sitting deeply in human psychology, both personal and group. Nostalgia is not only a private longing for never, it is also a collective syndrome. Already in our sources, the yearning watched a domain of “Return of Artra to Oshna” (“Yuma) and” Renewal of our day as a pre -“(Book of Lament). But the glorious past descriptions are not based on dreams, needs and manipulation. Sigmund Freud, the father of modern psychology: “History has expressed more the present views and the public’s wishes, since it was in the context of the past … History was not written for reasons of objective opinion, but by its writers sought to influence their contemporaries.”
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If the crowd after a great return slogans to Joshna would understand it, maybe America would have abandoned its dreams on a fancy past, and was found to find real, difficult solutions, however, to the problems that it faces, such as the National Insurance Future and its too dear health system. A tiny but clear example of relevant types of evasion can be found using the method of measurements in America.
Unpopular, primitive and uncomfortable
Anyone who has visited the US must have found that roads travel in miles instead of miles, the fuel fill in glaciers and not in liters, in stores and not pounds, and the temperature is measured in Maalot Fahrenheit and not in Salzius, as is customary in the rest of the world. Adam measured distances through the body, her mother, finger and so on. Industrial and modern world. 12 inches are a leg, and 3 legs are a yard. And what about the big distances? This is for the email. It has 1,760 yards, or 5,280 feet, or 63,360 inches.
In the temperature units the method is no longer simpler. The water is freezing at 32 degrees and boiling in 212. Although the method is linear but unprocessed. For example, translation of the heat degree of 32 degrees Fahrenheit is not equal to the heat of 16 degrees, and 100 degrees are not twice as high of 50. It is therefore not difficult to understand how appropriate this method of precise science, planning and communication. No wonder even Britain made the one-off effort in 1965 and moved to the measurement method known as the “international method of units (measurement)”.
Samuel L. Jackson in the iconic scene on the metric and imperial method gaps in the movie ” Cheap Literature ‘ / Photo: From YouTube
This method of measurement, based on the decimal method, originates in the post -revolution France. And she spread on the entire continent through a chain of scientists from the various European countries, who adopted and improved it. In 1889, an international weight and measurement conference convened, in which the method was completed in all its components and it became the standard in Europe. Over time, she became the global standard. Currently, this decimal method is customary in all countries of the world, except for only three countries left by the imperial method: the US, Liberia and Ianmar. Indeed, a respectable and advanced society is America. In 1975, this method was adopted by law called Metric Conversion Act, but the education system, administration and most of the businesses refused or did not dare to move to the new method.
The satellite crashed and the fuel the fuel
The use of the older method is not only silly, it is also expensive, and rises to America on many levels. The cost already begins with science studies in schools and universities, where time and means are forced to teach both methods. But the damage and cost are far more extensive than publishing on books, teachers, and students. In the worlds of industry, production, planning and science, the price is much greater. And he even came out of Earth.
In 1999, after ten months of a long and expensive journey in the space, NASA’s Satellite Mala Satellite, the American Space Agency. The technological achievement was canceled, and a committee was established to investigate the colossal failure, which cost the American taxpayer about a quarter of a billion in today’s dollars.
The test found that the cause was the measurement methods: While the NASA laboratories used the metric and decimal method, at Lukida Martin, which was the contractor, the engineers who built the satellite using the imperial method. While Lockeid Martin engineers assumed that this force was measured in the Pounds, NASAA assumed that the numbers were converted as is customary for the pounds. As a result of the adaptation, the power operated by Lukida engines was dramatic than the planners intended in NASA.
It was neither the first fault nor the last for the use of the imperial method. In 1983, the fuel ended during Air Canada’s Boeing Aircraft flight as it was a 12-mile cruise. The reason: a mistake in calculating fuel consumption in the company’s first aircraft, which used the decimal method. As a result, the amount of fuel required, instead of a weight of 22,300 pounds to a weight of 22,300 pounds. Kerry half the required quantity. Fortunately for the passengers and the staff, the plane did not holiday over the sea, and the pilots were particularly skilled in Ayia. This is how the captain succeeded in making 767 to the value of about 100 kilometers and placed in peace.
Procter & Gamble and Ford have been straightened
The damage to the economy because of the use of the imperial method is not one-off, but continues. When the whole scientific and industrial world speaks one language of measurement, which is the basis for the entire production and planning system, and one country speaks another language, collaborations become much more complicated than required. This is how many American companies have passed, with collaborations and production lines around the world, to the off-decimal method. Such a transition creates large expenses – much larger than if the entire economy would go through.
Such was the case of giant Procter & Gamble. In 1972, the company sought to establish a Pampers diaper manufacturing factory in Germany. American manufacturing machines, in the inquiries and 1/16 of the Inch, did not fit the German engineers and manufacturers, as well as the subcontractors of the exchange parts. Therefore, the company decided to build from the ground up for a mattely -based production machines. Over the years, moving to a metric base has expanded and now includes all parts of the company’s production, and it has allowed it to find suppliers and purchase spare parts from all over the world.
Similarly, the Ford vehicle company has also moved to the metric method, a transition that has emerged in many efforts in both the team’s education and the design and manufacture of infrastructure and machines. Technology manufacturing companies have also undergone similar effort. This is how IBI decided in 1972 to move to the metric method in all product planning, development and manufacturing departments. The process was long and ended only in 1982 when almost all of the company’s products were designed, developed, prepared and manufactured using the metric method. Some companies had to move to the metric method in the face of their owners beyond the sea. This was the case with the photography machine company and the Zeirox printing while purchased by a Japanese company.
Despite its international character, and the efficiency of the metric method, its popularity between Americans, and especially those over 45, is not high at all. “Under the metric, compared to 15% -20% of at least 30-year-olds.
America itself was born from a measurement
There is no doubt that moving to a method that is all a metric has a significant price and also effort from the population. But this is a transition that countries like Britain, Canada and Australia have completed decades ago. The change is not only necessary for savings and efficiency, but because it is an international language and the basis for all science education. But although the use of the imperial method is primitive, billions of dollars arise a year and make it difficult for international collaborations, America cannot bring itself to make this transition.
Perhaps America’s insistence on measurement methods is due to a completely different, nostalgic reason. In 1492 Christopher Columbus put his belligerent to find a marine shortcut to Asia, but was wrong in calculating the extent of the earth. In the design of the Columbus journey, he used calculations conducted by an earlier astronomer, Persian named al-Fihani. In his calculations, it used emails, but Columbus estimated that these were Roman emails, with 4,856 feet to the email, while al-Pharai intended Arab emails, including 7,091 feet. The result was a 25% reduction in the scope of the earth. This mistake, along with a mistake in assessing what Japan today, resulted in complete disruption in the direction it took Columbus as he tried to reach what he thought would be the East India Islands (today the Philippines). Thus, America was born because of a mistake in measurements and translation of measuring units. The Americans probably think that if that is what comes out of that mistake, it is better to adhere to it, at all costs.
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