Rare cases where France is on the international stage as her president Emmanuel Macron thinks she deserves. International ConferencesFor the Eastern AffairsYou came and went without leaving a seal, historical announcements about helping Ukraine and sending French soldiers to the trenches ended nothing. The aspirations for a European military influence were also shattered on the ground of reality.
In practice, France is in continuous economic trouble, the government may fall at any moment, French bases are pushed one by one from the unmistakable and unpopular macaron until its term, about two years.
But this week the French president had a rare opportunity to continue to present his aspirations. It was when I convened the AI Conference – an international summit of a two -day attended by leaders, businessmen, researchers, lawmakers and investors. Senior representatives of Openai, Google and Microsoft arrived in Paris, as well as US President Jay. In diapers, and the purpose of the conference was, among other things, to create an international forum to some extent developments, will take into account ethics considerations and promote the use of AI in areas such as health and environment.
“No Drilling Required”
However, in terms of Macron, the conference had one main goal, to promote France. Well -desperate to present any economic success to French, to re -take a leading role on a continent who does not really count him, Macron announced with the event to allocate the allocation of 109 billion euros in investments in the coming years to the AI field in France, and called on global companies to invest in the field in France.
After US President Donald Trump announced the $ 500 billion “Stargitite” project (and in collaboration with American high -tech giants) and the Chinese contained the world with a statement about a leap that allows for a greater development in lower investment, Macron wanted to mark that France still sees herself as a legitimate destination For investments in the field. “Choose in Europe, select France,” he implored in attendance.
The French president also made it clear to those present that unlike other European countries, his country has no energy shortages due to the existing and planned network of nuclear reactors. The AI field is expected to bring about a significant leap in energy consumption, and in the US President Trump promised to enable it by increasing fossil fuel production, and especially oil. Trump in his inaugural speech about increasing oil output in the US, “but here in France there is no need for drilling.
The French President also boasted in one of the only projects that were successfully implemented during his presidency, the restoration of the Nutr-Dam Church in Paris in a five-year “schedule” after being partly burned. In an English speech before the conference participants, he said: “We will adopt the Nutr-Dam strategy … We have shown the world that when we commit to a clear schedule we can provide results,” said the French president.
As part of the planned private investments in the field, which Macron declared, the Emirates Union Investment Fund is found to establish a network of database in France at a cost of between 30 and € 50 billion over the next few years. Another individual billions were promised by Amazon (cloud computing in France), Apollo Fund (Energy Investments) and other international companies that pledged small projects as part of France’s aspiration to become a world leader in the field. At the same time, anyone placed at the center of the conference is the French company Mistral AI, which operates in the field of artificial intelligence and launches a competing service to Chatgpt and other AI tools, called Le Chat. European media outlets defined it as the “European answer” to the existing American and Chinese tools. The private company, which has grown in its meteoric valuation to several billions of euros today, founded French and researchers in the field. The company operates in collaboration with Anabiya, and announced its intention to create the largest super computer in Europe in France.
Escape from the agenda?
Macron did not spare sales for the conference. He posted on his X -page greetings to Mistrel and his people (“Vive LE Chat” wrote), and in his Instagram page uploaded a collage of videos where his character was transplanted in clips and advertisements using artificial intelligence. He seems to have jumped at the opportunity to deal with other issues besides the political clashes on the French agenda. Last week, the fourth prime minister had had to be appointed a budget again without the Parliament support, in a presidential order. Macron is actually waiting for the summer, where he can call general elections, after his bet on the last summer failed and ended with a political clogging.
France convened the conference together with India, and behind the scenes worked with the EU to publish a “international statement” in the sensitive field. Contrary to past statements, French media reported, the planned in Paris is not expected to focus on dangers, but to call the technology “put the person in the center.” However, it is unclear whether all countries, especially the US and the United Kingdom, will sign the non-binding statement.
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