The Minister of Economy, Luis “Toto” Caputo gave an interview with the libertarian streaming channel Fuck where he revealed how he met Javier Milei and Why did he convince himself to return to the public function After his passage with a bitter taste through the administration of Mauricio Macri.
Caputo revealed that the link with the president was through his nephew, the star advisor and member of the Iron Trident of Javier Milei, Santiago Caputo.
“Santi, my nephew, called me one day and tells me ‘Everyone tells me that we have to talk’. He was consulting economists. ‘We are family and we never talk’, to which I say yes, that no problem, ”began his story in the extensive interview provided from his office.
In the interview With the fat dan -Prometid for this Monday but postponed to Tuesday by Delays in its edition-, Caputo revealed that he told his relative everything he thought about the Argentine economy and what should be done in his opinion. When the conversation ended, The star advisor asked permission to chat with Milei what was approached to what this agreed.
“One day he called me and he told me if I could get together With the president, not president at that time, and I went to see Javier. And I met him “he added to his story. That first encounter was given Between July and August 2023in full electoral campaign.
“We were more or less two hours, We pay economic and personal wave. Did you see that the president always says that We have symbiosis? It is totally true, We see the economy exactly in the same way”, Caputo granted on that first encounter with Milei and the link that unites them now.
At that time, the minister revealed“There was no possibility” to return to the public function. “Not only for me, but for the people who worked with me. Of course the family issue was, But we were also at a very good moment in the consultant, ”he added.
Caputo said that together with his colleagues from the consulting firm where he worked with many of those who are today his collaborators such as the president of the Central Bank, Santiago Bausili, they had “reassured many years” to be in a good time. However, yield: “We always had a service vocationWe had a vocation to help, but we had never imagined in the public function. ”
“Beyond that It is ungrateful – He continued on his passage through the public service before the Milei Administration – We had lived in the past infinite operations, One lie behind the other, but politics lives. Try to wear out so you don’t come back. ”
Meanwhile, he got rid of praise for Javier Milei. “It has all academic knowledge, but Unlike academics what They are usually Cabezura, Javier Nothing to do, It is absolutely pragmatic. Combine the best of both. A person who makes decisions without hesitation, tremendously intelligent, cultured, ”he said.
The International Monetary Fund, Relations with the Trump Government and Mercosur: Definitions of Luis Caputo
But Luis Caputo not only referred to his relationship with the president, but also talked in a fuck about government relations with The IMFwith the government of Donald Trump -and the idea of looking for the Free trade With the United States- and also put repairs about the benefits it brings MERCOSUR To the country.
Earlier this Tuesday, Caputo had talked with Radio Rivadavia And he said that the agreement with the International Monetary Fund is stipulated Within the framework of the first quarterfor a new disbursement. In the interview with El Gordo Dan, he explained the purpose of the agreement trying to reach the international financing agency.
“A new agreement with the Fund will imply a new entry of funds. If this agreement will materialize, the income of Fresh funds that will allow us to recapitate back to the Central Bank. The agreement marches in stern. The background is very impressed with all achievements. Obviously, they want Argentina to do well and share what we intend on how to continue in the program. So I would say we are in the fine details, ”he said.
In turn, it also referred to another aspect that both economically and geopolitically represents an important issue for the government: relations with the United States, especially with an administration (that of Trump) Apparently related to Javier Milei’s policies. “For the country It would be very important to reach an agreement with the United States. Imagine For all Argentine companies Having that possibility to export to a country as big and as rich as the United States is an absolutely favorable thing. ”
Of course, some of the joint economic policies between the two countries, such as a free trade agreement, could collide with another weight policy for Argentina, which is that of Mercosur.
“We have an agreement that is MERCOSURbut what It has not been very beneficial for Argentina. Our idea regarding Mercosur is precisely to raise some flexibility so that bilateral agreements can be made between countries. It does not imply breaking With Mercosur, “explained the head of the Treasury Palace.
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