Adidas has to pay a punishment in Türkiye

Türkiye Has one Fine From the converted more than $ 15,000 (14,464.80 euros) against the German sporting goods giants Adidas imposed because this customer has not informed that a shoe model contains pig leather.

The supervisory authority for advertising in the mostly Muslim country accused Adidas of only referring to the production of “real leather” in the “Samba OG” sports shoe model – without specifying that it was pig leather, as it was said in an explanation , which the AFP news agency was available on Thursday.

The use of materials that “contradict the religious feeling of the majority of society” must be clearly mentioned in advertising and product descriptions, it said.

Pigs’ shoes “not permitted”

At the request of AFP, Adidas confirmed that it had updated the material information on the website – without responding to the punishment imposed.

In 2020, a religious authority in Turkey decided that it was “not permitted” to produce clothing or shoes from pig leather. Almost all Muslim scholars agree that pig leather could not be “made in” by tanning or similar methods, it said.

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