Wulff’s net sales grew, profitability weakened

Office supplies and personal rental Wulff-The operating profit of the companies deteriorated late last year.

The company’s operating profit in October -December was EUR 0.8 million, compared with EUR 1.1 million during the year -long comparison period.

Net sales in the quarter settled to EUR 27.9 million, compared with a turnover of EUR 22.9 million during the comparison period.

The earnings per share evolved to EUR 0.04 from EUR 0.12 during the comparison period.

The company is followed only by the analysis house Indereswith a forecast of EUR 1.3 million for operating profit and a turnover of EUR 28.3 million.

The Board of Directors of the Company proposes a dividend per share of EUR 0.16 for the financial year. During the comparison period, EUR 0.15 per share was paid, and this amount was also an analyst forecast.

In its guidelines, the company estimates that net sales are increasing and comparable operating profit at a good level in 2025.

The guidelines are based on management’s estimate of the market and business situation in Finland and Scandinavia. In particular, service business activities are expected to grow from 2024. The key uncertainties affecting the prospects include the general economic and employment situation, the development of inflation and interest rates, and geopolitics: crises, tensions, protectionism and intensification of competition between superpowers.

“We succeeded in implementing our growth strategy in a more challenging environment. I am very pleased with the profitable growth in the Working Services segment: Wulff Works, which started in January 2024, increased the personnel hiring business of the Wulff Works, as expected, and its share of the Group’s turnover is already over 10 %, ”says CEO Elina Rahkonen in the profit file.

“The turnover and operating profit for Wulff accounting firms had more than doubled. The profitability of accounting services is at a good level and the development is stable. ”

“In 2025, we will have a good chance of improving the profitability of the entire Group. For example, the investments related to the launch of Wulff Works are mostly done over 2024. ”

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