Foreign investors net sold about 142 billion dong on HOSE, the lowest than a month in the VN-Index session accumulated more than 5 points.
In the morning, the development of foreign investors mainly tilted to the seller when the stock discharge force was put out, completely overwhelming the buyer. However, near the lunch break, the supply began to shrink and balance with the demand. In the afternoon, foreign investors continued to sell stocks but the pressure decreased, only half. In the opposite direction, the group increased disbursement than the morning, especially in the ATC session.
In total, today’s foreign investors net sold more than 142 billion on HOSE, less than a quarter of the previous session. This is also the lowest level in the past month.
No stocks recorded a net selling value of over hundreds of billion, the largest is MWG (nearly 67 billion) and GMD (more than 63 billion dong). In contrast, foreign investors buy significantly with VCI (nearly 106 billion dong) and HPG (more than 94 billion dong). Hoa Phat shares today also rise to the 2nd active contribution code for the common index.
Foreigners decreased net selling in the stock session improved quite well. VN-Index mostly travels on reference. In the morning, the index sometimes increased by more than 10 points before cooling down and passing to the end of the session. VN-Index closed over 1,278 points, accumulating more than 5 points.
The entire HOSE has 293 shares increased, nearly double the number of shares decreased. In which, 13 ceiling gainers. Small and medium -sized capitalization continues to be the majority. BVH is the only exception, recording liquidity of more than VND 125 billion and becoming the highest increase in the market.
However, the liquidity is in the opposite direction. The total trading value today decreased by more than VND 3,400 billion to nearly VND 14,300 billion. The cash flow has not recovered well in the market without motivation to attract investors.
According to the forecast of Mr. Tran Hoang Son, Director of VPBank’s Securities Market Strategy (VPBANKS), in the early stages of the year, VN-Index may continue to rise and have 1,300 points. But then, it is likely that this index will adjust again because up to now, although there is a lot of positive information, many industry groups grow well, the liquidity has not been able to maintain a strong growth.
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