KTM rescue costs a good cheek

The renovation of the insolvent motorcycle manufacturer KTM AG and its two daughters KTM Components GmbH and KTM Research & Development GmbH accepts the first contours. Next Tuesday, the creditors will vote on the three renovation plans.

KTM AG offers you a 30 percent quota in one fell swoop as a bar quota, with the amount required to be deposited with the renovation recent until April 15th. Originally, 2.15 billion euros in claims in the bankruptcy proceedings of KTM AG were registered, but 506 million euros were also disputed for the time being.

If one assumes that further claims will be recognized, the liabilities will level off at 2 billion euros. The bottom line is that around 600 million euros are therefore necessary for the 30 percent renovation rate.

Low double -digit million amounts must be raised for the renovation rate of the two subsidiaries. The renovation of the two insolvent daughters is required because they provide services for KTM AG.

The investor race

More than a dozen interested parties are said to have checked the business figures in the KTM data space. Remus owner Stephan Zöchling and the Indian KTM co-owner Bajaj have good cards.

The Pierer Group has already provided the Dabepo Holding around Stephan Zöchling at the end of the year 2024/2025 and thus prevented the premature bankruptcy of the group of companies.

The Indian KTM shareholder Bajaj and Dabepo want to jointly provide KTM around 600 million euros.

The renovation plan

“This financing presupposes that self -administration remains upright at KTM AG and the insolvent subsidiaries and that I as a partner of Bajaj drift the renovation,” Zöchling wrote to the financing banks at the end of January 2025.

In his letter, Zöchling massively criticized the banks because they are supposedly not to be satisfied with a 30 percent renovation rate offered, but are said to have required 50 to 70 percent quota. Subsequently, KTM AG has paid the 30 percent quota renovation plan to a one -off payment of 30 percent within two years.

Indian play a central role

The Indians are almost half owners of KTM. Insider even claims that the Indian Bajaj Auto should play the central role in the rescue of KTM, since KTM not only develops powerful water-cooled 4-stroke engines for street motorcycles with Bajaj.

The Indians manufacture the KTM motorcycles 390 Adventure as well as all 125, 200 and 390 models as well as the 401 models of the second brand Husqvarna.

However, with the payment of the creditor quota, no cent in the operational operation in Mattighofen has flowed. Production is currently quiet and is to be resumed at the end of February, at the latest in mid-March, but only in a one-shift operation.

The production costs

The production of production is therefore extremely important so that KTM can bring new motorcycles onto the market for this year. An estimated 150 to 200 million euros must be raised for the new production. It is still unclear whether this financing in the form of a continuation guarantee, which is common, will take place. It also does not seem unlikely that KTM-Mother Pierer Mobility AG will spend money on the production of production. However, it is unclear whether and in what extent old owner Stefan Pierer will make a financial renovation contribution for the KTM rescue.

However, the failure of the three renovation plans would destroy high million values ​​and, above all, cost jobs – around 3,000 in Germany alone.

By Editor