With the new Budget Law 2025, the home bonuses – albeit with cuts – are confirmed a precious opportunity for those who decide to renew their home:
The deductions for the first houses remain at 50%, while for the latter they go down to 36%, with a
spending limit set at 96 thousand euros. Despite the reduction of the concessions, the Italians however continue to invest in the renovation of their home. To highlight it are
The data of Pronetopro, The reference marketplace for professional services that puts supply and demand in contact: in 2024
The requests for complete renovation of the house have in fact grown on 15% compared to 2023.
In particular, there is a strong increase in applications relating to Refurbishment of bathroom and kitchen (+86.7%) and the creation of plasterboard walls (+67.5%); On the other hand, the wallpaper loses appeal (-50.6% compared to 2023). Great attention also to the outdoor spaces, with requests for the construction of underground pools that record +16.4%, while energy certification requests are dropped by 46%, useful for accessing Ecobonus. In significant decrease compared to 2023 also all those interventions concerning the exteriors of homes as a roof repair (-52.7%), waterproofing of the same (-28.9%) and exterior painting (-43.9%).
Likes modern style
From the analysis of Pronetopro.it it emerges that the 58,1% of those who request renovation through the Viv platform and in apartment or condominium; Independent houses follow (31.2%) and terraced houses (6.5%), which show a lower impact. Going in detail, one in 4 requests relate to three -room apartments (25.4%), while one in 5 in villas or villas (20.8%) and quadrocal (19.1%). Two -room apartments cover 12.4% of requests, while other types of buildings, such as shops, bars or studios, record lower percentages (6.3% and 4.7% respectively).
As for the size of renovation, In 27.3% of the requests, reference is made to spaces of 100 square meters, Followed by 60 square meters (24.3%) and 50 square meters or less (21.2%). About a quarter of users, on the other hand, requires information to renovate 150 sqm size on (27%).
As for the style, comparing requests relating to interior design, the ProntoPro data highlight one Strong preference for modern designchosen by 37.9% of users. However, a third of Italians (33.1%) prefers to rely directly on professionals to receive a personalized proposal, opening up to creative solutions. Other styles, the minimal (7.9%) and Scandinavo (5%) maintain discreet popularity, while the traditional style (4%) and industrial (3.3%) attract a niche of users. The shabby (1.9%) and the eclectic (1.6%), finally, represent minority choices.
The most “redone” room is the bathroom
Going in detail of the interventions, in requests for renovationThe bathroom emerges as a priority between the premises to intervene on (82.5%), followed by kitchen (79.7%) and bedroom (73.5%). The stay (63.3%) and the dining room (48.2%) are also often included in the works, while the living room is required in 35%of cases.
In many cases, the works most aspects simultaneously: the interventions on the floors are the most requested (77.8%) supported by the works of whitewashing and painting (72.2%), put in accordance with the electrical system (70.6%) and the hydraulic system (70.1%). Structural interventions, such as the demolition or construction of walls, affect 60.6% of the requests, while the renewal of doors and windows is present in 60.2% of cases.
I must have: ceiling in living room and underground pools
In modernizing homes, Italians more and more often choose porcelain stoneware (42.8%) for the floor, preferring it to alternatives as tiles (22.9%), parquet (8.7%), laminate (8.1% ) and marble (1.2%).
Another highly appreciated solution is iThe plasterboard ceilingused both to optimize the internal spaces and to improve the aesthetic aspect: to confirm it also that in 61.1% of cases you choose to create these structures with lighting systems such as LEDs or bright stripes. The stay is the room most affected by this intervention, with almost half of the requests (49.3%); The kitchen follow (36.4%) and the bedroom (34.4%).
The data of Pronetopro then tell a strong interest in the customization of Outdoor spaces with requests for the restructuring of the garden especially concerning small surfaces: 34.6% of the gardens subject to intervention measures 50 square meters or less. However, even wider gardens, such as 80 square meters (17.9%) and 100 square meters (17.2%), represent a significant slice of intervention applications.
Finally, among the wishes of the Italians, the realization of underground pools emerges (requests increasing by 16% on 2023). Almost one in 2 user (45.1%) would like to build Standard swimming pools of 8 x 4 meters; For coatings, the PVC is the most popular choice (39.5%) but one in 3 relies on the professional council to evaluate the most suitable material (31.8%).
Energy certification, requests drop
In 2024, Pronetopro recorded a significant decrease in energy certification requests for the analysis necessary for access to Ecobonus (-46.8% compared to 2023): a trend that could be linked both to the reduction of the facilities available, and to a progressive adjustment of the properties already in previous years.
Analyzing the data, in fact, it emerges that 36.4% of users who require certification have independent heating, while 29.6% have already invested in windows with double glasses, a fundamental element to improve the energy efficiency of the home . Only 14.8% have a condensing boiler, a sign that there is still a large margin of improvement for the adoption of these technologies. In addition, 13.5% of users still use a central heating system, while 1 out of 10 user opted for a heat pump.
How much does it cost to renew a house
But how much does it cost to renovate the house? Costs vary according to the type of intervention and the surface concerned. For example, for a house between 80 and 100 square meters, a light renovation – which provides for painting, replacement of floors and small maintenance works – is around 30,000 euros. For a medium -level renovation, which includes renovation of electrical and hydraulic systems, renovation of bathroom and kitchen and updating of the finishes, the estimate ranges from a minimum of 45,000 euros upwards.
For specific interventions, 5,500 euros are estimated for the complete renovation of a bathroom, and 2,000 euros for the whitewashing of a home between 80 and 100 square meters (including ceilings), a price that can vary according to the quality of the paint e at the state of the surfaces. The plasterboard ceiling with LED lighting has an average cost of 1,700 euros, while the intervention of an interior designer for homes of the same size is between 1,200 and 1,800euro.
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