A Belgian Porsche enthusiast had no less than 37,000 euros auction for the wreck of the Porsche 911 from Tom Waes. “In addition, 16 percent are added to auction costs. We can therefore transfer 5,920 euros to the Emilie Leus Fund, which is committed to road safety. ”
“We are satisfied,” says Koen Schonkereren, co-owner of Auctionports, the Hasselt auction house that bought the car and offered by auction. “37,000 euros is a very correct price considering the condition of the vehicle and the still usable parts.”
In addition to the auction amount, 16 percent are still in costs. “So we can pay 5,920 euros, as we had promised, to the Emilie Leus Fund, which is committed to road safety.”
For twelve days, enthusiasts had the time to make an offer. Around 19:15 the auction was beaten. That is fifteen minutes later than foreseen: if a person makes an auction in the last minutes of an auction, fifteen minutes are added. This is to prevent people from overclassing other bidders in the last seconds.
37.000 euro
The auction was therefore beaten at 37,000 euros, with auction costs that will be a total of 42,920 euros. That is a lot of money for old iron. It is certain that the car in question will never drive again. But because the engine block – which is located at the back of the car – remained intact after the crash, the wreck is still interesting in terms of parts.
The engine was completely recently revised for 25,000 euros. The gearbox would also be usable. Those parts are highly sought after among enthusiasts. It is therefore an exclusive model: a Porsche 911 Carrera 3.0 from 1977 that only 200 copies have been made. The model was only built for two years.
According to Schonkeren, the buyer wishes to remain anonymous. “I had short contact with the buyer. He is Belgian, but he also wants to remain anonymous. ” According to De Limburger, it would be a Limburg Porsche enthusiast.
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