Stock Exchange: Spinnova’s ugly drop continues on the bill exchange

The Helsinki Stock Exchange continued on Friday afternoon. The OMXH general index was 0.7 % on 10,375.09 points.

In the afternoon the most replaced stock on the stock exchange was Nordea (+0.2 %). Otherwise, among the ten most replaced shares, there was only the rise Shampoo (+0.3 %). Among the most traded shares, there was a decline Roots (-2.5 %) as well as In this (-1,6 %).

Spinnova’s share collapsed

Textile fiber technology developing Spinnova (-44.9 %) said in the morning that the company’s big owner and partner Brazilian pulp company Suzano No longer invests in new projects within Spinnova cooperation. According to Spinnova, Suzano’s decision is related to Suzano’s own changed priorities and the allocation strategy of capital and is not related to the lack of trust in Spinnova’s technology.

Spinnova and Suzano have jointly agreed to start their joint venture Woodspin’s strategic evaluation, which is expected to be completed in the coming months. At the same time, Spinnova begins the assessment of its strategy, which also applies to all its joint ventures and plans future actions. The company examines its strategic goals and financial guidance for 2025. Spinnova estimates that strategic assessment will be completed in the coming months.

Friday’s Income Announcers

On Friday, their results announced unable (-7,7 %), Summer (-2,1 %), Digitalist Group (+3,5 %), Innofactor (-0,6 %), Afarak Group (+1.7 %) as well as Entire (-6,3 %).

As expected, the electronics contract manufacturer Incap reportedly reported the figures that have been improved from the comparison period in the last quarter. The comparison period was particularly weak after the company’s largest customer has dimmed orders to dismantle stocks. Incap does not distribute the dividend, and as expected, the company guided the growth of net sales and operating profit for this year.

In December, Kesla’s result in October and December, even though there was a clear decline throughout the year. Kesla estimates that the turnover of 2025 will remain at the same level and that operating profit will improve slightly compared to the previous year. The government proposes that the dividend will not be distributed. The previous dividend was EUR 0.10 per share.

Technology company Digitalist’s net sales growth towards the end of the year was not enough to pull the whole year on growth. The result numbers remained persistently minus. For this year, the company will guide growth and profitability improvement.

IT service company Innofactor’s net sales and operating profit decreased in the second half of last year. Managing director Sami Ensio estimates that the financial statements will remain the last result of the company as a listed company, at least at this installment. Onni bidco-The buyer consortium picked up nearly 96 percent of the share capital last year with its bid. The consortium is acquiring the rest of the shares in the redemption procedure.

The development of the last quarter of the year in the energy service company Enersensen was largely known with the earnings warning in January. Net sales increased by six percent of a year ago. EBITDA rose to EUR 10.9 million from EUR 7.7 million during the comparison period. At the end of 2024, the Group’s order book was EUR 393 million, compared with EUR 457 million in the previous year.

Prior to the announcement of the result report, Enersense announced that it was down the business that focused on emission -free traffic solutions. The company estimates that business -focused business downsets are associated with a reduction of approximately EUR 2-3 million, which will be on the first quarter of 2025.

Afarak, known for the processing of metal ore breed, was lost in July and December. Net sales were also lower than last year’s comparison period. The company’s share earnings per half.03 of the share of the year, while it was evenly zero during the comparison period. In its views, Afarak estimates that the production of low -carbon ferrochrome will increase compared to the fourth quarter of 2024.

Dovrelle over EUR 50 million agreement

Consulting firm Slower (+1.5 %) announced its subsidiary Suvic The signatory contract for the construction of a large wind farm in Finland. The agreement is conditional for a separate “Notice to Process” notification (NTP) based on the subscriber’s investment decision and is expected to be March -April 2025. The value of the contract is approximately EUR 54 million. The name of the customer and the location of the park will be reported when announcing the NTP announcement.

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