Legendary investor Warren Buffett has rarely come out against US President Donald Trump’s defender’s policy, stating that they His steps can cause inflation and damage consumers. “We had a lot of experience with the lids. They are a war move, to some extent,” Buffett said in an interview at CBS News.
“Over time, this is a tax. “And then what? You always have to ask this question in the economy. You always have to say ‘and then what?'”
This is the first auction to bring in 94-year-old Buffett on Trump’s trade policy. Last week, the US President announced that on March 4, a 25% sweeping covers of imports from Mexico and Canada will be inserted, and China will be charged another 10% customs on the same date. China has already announced it will respond to the move.
In Trump’s first term, Buffett warned that his aggressive moves could lead to negative results around the world. When asked by CBS about the current economy in the US, it avoided answering. “I think this is the most interesting issue in the world, but I can’t talk about it,” replied Berkshire Hathaway.
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