Trade Review: Current reports, trends, metrics, stock gates, bonds, forex and goods and analysts’ recommendations
Asian stock exchanges are now mainly traded: the Niki Index jumped about 1.8%, the hanging sang rises about 0.4%, and the Shanghai destruction fell by 0.1%; The South Korean Stock Exchange is closed today on national holiday.
Michael Gaya, founder of the American Finance Company Lead-Lag Media, said in a conversation with CNBC that he was bull on the Chinese market since the first quarter of 2024, and believes it has the potential to yield better than the American market.
“I think the markets in China are expected to yield better performance from US markets over the next four years, and I don’t think it has a connection to Trump. I think it has to do with the initial value estimates. My claim is that the Chinese market is missing. There is potential for large movements in Chinese markets. ”
Wall Street
Last Friday, Wall Street stock exchanges were locked in green, at the end of the volatile and volatile trading day: the Dow Jones Index locked in 1.4%increases. S&P 500 and the NASDAC added 1.6%. The shakes over the weekend came against the last Trump moves around the imposition of cover on Mexico, Canada and China, which is supposed to take effect tomorrow, as well as a particularly tense meeting between Trump and President Ukraine Volodimir Zlanski.
Yesterday, legendary investor Warren Buffett (Sunday) has rarely been out against US President Donald Trump’s defender’s policy, noting that his steps may cause inflation and hit consumers. “We had a lot of experience with the lids. They are a war course, to some extent, “Buffett said in an interview at CBS News.
● Buffett against Trump: “The coverings are a war course, to some extent”
Future contract trading on US exchanges indices are now undergoing minor goalkeeping: Dow Jones climbs by 0.1%, the S&P 500 increases by 0.2%and the NASDAC adds about 0.3%to its value.
American debt market
In the American debt market, the government bond is traded this morning in a mixed trend: Ten-Years bonds increases at one base, with a return of about 4.24%; Two-year bonds increases in about 2 base points, with a return of about 4.01%.
The World Forex Market
The dollar weakened this morning in front of the foreign currencies: against the euro by about 0.3% ($ 1.04), against the Lish by about 0.1% ($ 1.25) and in front of the Japanese Hin about 0.2% (150.4 yen).
Crypto Market
Bitcoin traded this morning, and his price ranged around $ 91,000. The Etherium is also rising, and its price ranges around $ 2,370.
Yesterday, the crypto market woke up to life after a few days of declines, following a tweet of US President Donald Trump his social network, Truth Social. Trump, who became a key figure around the US digital currencies, declared that he intended to establish a national crypto reserve as part of his economic program.
● Following Trump’s Tweet: Crypto coins leap
The goods market
In the commodity market, oil prices records slight increases this morning: American type oil exceeds about 0.1% and a barrel price is about $ 69.8; Brent oil costs a similar rate and a barrel price is about $ 72.9.
Today at 12:00, the Israel Consumer Price Index will be published in the EU.
In the evening, the production sector data will be published in the US – the Procurement Managing Index and the ISM Index.
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